The Dietary Opposite Of The Donuts & Massive Volume Of PT Weekend – Cans Of Tuna & Sprints :

What would be the dietary opposite of the PT and donut weekend?

We’re still looking for fast physical transformation here, so the volume PT is still a given.

The dietary opposite is :

Cans of tuna or eating chicken breast, no carbs, no fats.

Being fat loss focused the PT is
massive sprint repeats or burpee volume for a weekend.

(or for a few consecutive weekends)

This is an idea for a quick way to lose a bunch of fat while holding onto your muscle.

Sprints and burpees both are some natural HGH!

It’s a protein sparing modified fast.

This is what I meant in 2018 – the tuna and sprints thing being something I read around 2013 on a now defunct website.

Imagine doing this for four weekends in a row, each Monday your coworkers bugging out seeing a visible change since each Friday.
