3/22/21 – Gym Dream, Training Pullups/Dips/Leg Press In-N-Out Style, & Dips On Deck :

Gym Dream :

I was going back to school with the intention of playing football, doing school right by being in the sports I should be in.

Within the last couple days I’d read a couple college sport walk on stories, so it was on my mind.

I knew the running at practice would lean me out, I realized it’s actually easier to condition in practice than by oneself in the off season, so I was going berserk in the weight room with only “minimal” sprinting outside.

I still sprinted, and I still would run extra after lifting. Lifting was the focus.

The dream took place in summer, I was lean and mean, 6′ 235 in crazy condition.

Bodybuilder lean but extremely athletic and strong – doing it right took the purpose of training for a specific goal.

Brief sprinting session every morning, and mostly upper body – going heavy and high rep every evening in this ramshackle improvised gym in what seemed to be a community center basement in the late afternoon.

Instead of repping a 225 bench, the football PT test, regularly – I was doing a pullover and skull crusher variant.

A short length of pipe with five 45lb plates slid on the center, my hands on opposite sides of the plates.

Getting it in position was quite the process. On that ramshackle homemade bench I’d roll it from the floor in front of me onto the end of the bench, then heave it up to at arm’s length above my stomach/chest, then from there lower it behind my head most of the way to the floor, before using pure brute strength to french press it with a bit of pullover back to lockout, the pipe with weights, looking like a roided up devil’s ab wheel, ending each rep where you’d normally hold a bar at the top for benching.

Serious reps, I’m talking quickly getting to sets of 50, day to day I was seeing my arms get bigger – day. to. day. I. saw. the. growth!

Each day I saw less and less fat.
Each day I saw my abs show more and more, nearing the season I was 235 covered in veins, sprinting crazy fast, and running good miles from some running the track and bleachers postworkout.

Athleticism running in the summer sun.

A couple hours of weights daily.

Bleachers or a mile run after the weights.

Six meals a day, bodybuilder style eating, fatty meat with vegetables – it was kielbasa or steak on rotation with green beans, broccoli, and cauliflower on rotation.

I saw a lot from this dream.

Gym Training :

Now with a dream like the above, I couldn’t not go to the gym.

one of these sessions

•15 pullups
•50 dips
•5×10 leg press

An “In N Out Workout” (post idea here), with a recent pullup PR tie (even if the last two reps used a bit of hip power), and a recent dip PR.

Leg press, because full body, and you can never do enough legs (especially in the land of “Captain Upper Body Man™ that is pf).

20 minutes in the weight room is all you ever need.

Dips On Deck :

I’ll be training pullups with sets of 5-8, and should throw some weighted reps in.

I’ve hit 15 on a couple occasions now, can do a set of 10 most days, so 20 is close.

Dips? I can taste 100+.

And I have the idea to do reps with weight again. I barely notice bw+45.

A dip goal would be 50-100 x bw+90lb.

You’d get some triceps from hitting that.

From 2019’s “dip odyssey” I know how much I get out of dips.

I’m not committing to dips every day right now, but I’m training them again.

50-100 x bw+90lbs

50 x bw+anything is ridiculously close.

+90? That’s the equivalent of me in the mid 300s REPPING DIPS.

Persistence & Tenacity