No Squats? = Got Swamp Lunges :

About three years ago my car was totaled.

Being the king of improvised training every night that I wasn’t able to get to the gym during the brief period it took me to get into a used car – for that month or six week every night not at the gym I’d swamp lunge down and back, down and back, enjoying the fresh air – knowing NOTHING CAN STOP ME

I’ll always train.


I’ve realized thigh bulk would be the #1 assistance to my pressing.

one is built to press…

At present I’m just not getting under the bar for high bar or front squats, really doing the clean and press to the near exclusion of all other lifts.

I intended to snatch grip deadlift today after pressing.

All I did was press.

Which by itself, I always press off of a clean or heave, is enough for most purposes.


At present state of mind I’d have to get into a gym again to truly get into regularly doing other lifts.

Later in the day, outside enjoying the fresh chilly air – I realized walking lunges, swamp lunges!


Then did 20 total, remembering the joy of the thing in the past, recalling how even further back lots (60-150 total) of lunges 4x a week built me solid p4p squat strength for 8 reps.

Maybe this is going to be habit for a time.

I enjoyed it.

And there is an answer here :

Not able to logistically, or are unwilling to squat?
Walking lunge, or swamp lunge instead.

It builds good pound for pound strength taken seriously.

And it’s always there with you.

That’s the simplest way. Use what is always with you.
