11/15/22 Flow – Groceries & No Warmup 210lb Pressing :

Yesterday was 6½ years of daily pushups.

Today, off work, waking up real early (am I a werewolf affected by the moon?) I went to the kitchen and had a small meal of polish-mexican fusion (I just wanted to write that lol – kielbasa sliced thin into corn tortillas with melted cheese), then going back to bed to sleep way in – early afternoon I lifted.


I’m guessing I was done in under ten minutes, the right aggressive attitude as I approached, cleaned, and pressed the bar fueled by mexican gangbanger rap and walking with purpose to grab the bar – no dillydallying at the bar either.

Arrive. Reach down. Grab. Pull. Explode. Shouldered. Press. Press. Press.

Today’s One Track Playlist :

“so ruff so tuff in la remix”

Whatever the official start date, and though there’s no snow yet, the past few lifts have been cold enough to break out the little black winter gloves.

Lifting in cheapo beat up soft soled skate shoes, wearing those little black winter gloves, the platform a piece of particle board and pair of rubber patio tiles = ideal gym.

It does, as lifting matters to me.

Right now I’m on a kick of “what can I clean and press no warmups”.

even if he did warmup – many anecdotes imply he didn’t need to

Then I’ll hit a few more sets, maybe all back off, maybe waved in weight.

Today it was pressing 2×210.
Tommorow I’ll hit 215, or maybe not.

There’s a commonality between the grocery store and gym for me…

I never walk out with exactly what I expected to.

No list, I always forget something.
No program means the lift happens as it happens.

The session NEVER ends up being exactly the session I walked in having planned.

Ha, walked in. Right now it’s technically stepped outside!

I own 500lbs of weights.

Plenty have cleaned it.

Through 1972 it was pressed by a bunch too.

I could milk yard lifting to elite international weightlifter level.

The bar and plates are there.


The #1 thing I could do to greatly improve the press would be to build a massive pair of thighs.

I realize handstand pushup work would be great shoulder work, but it and the press are not exactly the same.

Pressing big overhead, it’s a plus to have massive superheavyweight thighs.

Handbalancing would prefer little skinny jeans legs lol

I’m still more into “press big weights”.

However I’m also still unlikely to do that requisite high bar/front squat work in the yard, and still leaning a pretty strong no as to joining the local powerlifting gym.

So it continues to be a half week each week of americanized bulgarian training for the press.

No thigh size building… 😉

Three days in a row, all the days off of work, occasionally a fourth lift some weeks before work on the day of a short shift.

This winter I may experiment with lifting in those thick outdoor yard work type work gloves.

Any glove is a grip strengthener, and I bet that thicker leather will last as opposed to tearing up pair of gloves after pair of gloves as they disintegrate with barbell use.

Those gloves will build grip with those fat leather fingers.

I can only laugh at how awkward deadlift style picking up a bar is right now.

I’m used to setting up for cleans.

It’s not the same positioning.


“The strong do what they can. The weak suffer what they must.”

The above quote, I apply it to my ugly catches, my not bothering to warm up, etc.

Because I can.

And it’s not without precedence. Occasionally you hear stories.

Not that you need precedence.
Go out, do you.

Do you. Always.

That’s it.

I lift because I choose to.
I enjoy pressing. The fresh air is nice, even better with the winter’s chill to it.

I suggest you do it right – there silly disclaimer mentioned lol

Whereas I’m nobody, yet a damn good one at that, forever running a never ending n=1 self experiment in what is my interpretation of bodybuilding.

My interpretation of bodybuilding in the way I choose to run it.

Which means clean and press broski. Lots of press.

Far from lab settings, barely, often not, logging, doing this thing in my real world.


My way, though guided to a degree by present circumstance.

I’m willing to press some to every day each week, and am pleased… tasting the nearness of a 255lb c&p upon the back of my tongue.

It’s cool to just grab a 210lb bar as it’s 40° outside, easily clean it, press it for two – maybe call the warmup being content in the knowledge that the tacquitos and apple cider I’d just bought would taste good being ready to eat after my brief lift.


A reoccurring thought today was “all american day”.

That was what kept popping into my head.

I’ve had a good vibe recently – I attribute this to 6+ weeks of heard growth, the same porn free, the same masturbation free.

A real good walk around vibe.

This was carrying over to :

A nicely thick college chick clearly double taking on me, the plain though rather friendly college aged cashier having a pretty good, enjoyable conversation with me (next time should I ever end up in her lane again I’ll have to tell her she should waitress – as bubbly as she is in conversation she’d make much better pay than cashiering which to my understanding is about as low paid as it gets), an older cashier who views me as a regular smiling and waving…

And that’s just today.

I even really enjoyed the taquitos and apple cider.

My one meal, kinda.

I function better leaning towards fasting, eating if necessary earlier, but stacking the majority of my calories as late as possible.

Be big and strong.
Have a beard.
Don’t masturbate ever.
Never watch porn or anything else for that matter.
Approach the entire world with an honest appreciation for/enjoyment of EVERYTHING


Do what others won’t.
Part of that is to enjoy it.

Check in. You’re blessed.

Do right. Walk with your head high.

Until we speak again,
Persistence & Tenacity

Frank Sinatra – My Way