Mandatory PT Log : April 2020 Jumping Jacks & Feeder Workout Hammer Curls

Jumping Jacks :

Do you really think I would log something as mundane as the number of jumping jacks I did?

I can tell you this I did at least 50 4 count reps each day as I said I would.

110 4 count reps without rest is the highest rep set I recall, but not the most in a workout.

Sometimes I did them begrudgingly, sometimes I enjoyed them. Counting pyramid or ladder style definitely had me enjoy them more and get in higher volume.

Jumping jacks are a great thing generally overlooked. They burpees, and bodyweight squats mix for good training with zero equipment.

Overall I enjoyed the jumping jacks, I found it a useful practice.

Quietly on the side I did hammer curls daily as an unannounced monthly PT.

That, I did meticulously log.

April Hammer Curls Feeder Workouts :

w/10s 100+ reps a day :

1st – 2 sets of 70 ~30min apart ~9pm

2nd – set of ~125 at 1am

3rd – set of 150 at ~1240am

4th – set of 135 reps 8pm

5th – set of 110 reps 1230am

6th – 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, and some extra reps at 1015pm

7th – set of 150 ~9pm

8th – set of 135 ~5am

The struggle is mentally to get past the first 100 reps, then it’s easier to focus, and start contracting hard each rep. You can make it tougher by contracting hard every rep from the gate, and by keeping good posture by looking forward, not down. There is an aspect of rib box development with this. I’m looking forward to adding weight to the sets of 35, 50, 100+ once back to pf.

9th – x 50, 50, 25, 55, 60
Total reps : 240

Done between 745pm-8pm.
Set 3 was to guarantee past 100 reps, I then decided to break 200 reps total within 5 sets. Set 4 was mental toughness to guarantee the goal. Set 5 was mentally free, to hit the goal all I had to do was beat a pittance (20 reps), so I freely put in effort, stopping at 60 which was slightly challenging. “Freely putting in effort” – that’s a good headspace for performance.

I like 5 sets as a total. Every few days beat the 5 set rep total, or simply slowly build up rep count.

10th – x 100, 100

Done 820pm, 3 minutes between sets, actual count was closer to 230 total, did a bunch extra on second set thinking of banging out this chick, and reps 90+ on that set had the mind focused squeeze.

This works for bigger arms, but I prefer the bar “reverse curls” up at the park.

Moved bells to my bedroom.

11th – x150+

~180 exact at 1240am

12th – x50,50,50 ~730pm
Superset with horse stance

13th – x100, 50 ~9pm

14th – x 146+

I started counting normally 1-10, then decided “pyramid” counting ladder style, at 9 or so I decided continue ladder counting. I went up step 16 in the count. It was one set, no breaks, just counting it in this manner. A ladder through 16 is 136, plus the 10 is 146. I probably did some counts twice.

15th – x153+

Same pyramid counting style 1-17, probably a bit extra via repeated steps. I wasn’t focusing on the squeeze nearly at all, just more of a swinging style rep, same as yesterday.

16th – x 144

Counted 1-12-1 pyramid, paused at about 10 on the down

17th – x~100, 100

First set I called a scratch as loud music was distracting my count, it was 1-10-1 counting, second set I counted 1-9 1 1-9 2 style mostly aloud. It was exactly 100 reps.

18th – ~30, ~50, 150+

Miscounted badly on first two sets. Third set was between 150 and 180 reps.

19th – 100, 87

Both sets were 60 seconds timed, I rested about a minute inbetween sets. Repping as fast as possible against the clock reminded me of timed pushups years back. I found it more enjoyable than just counting reps. Timed sets work well for me. On the second set I was 20 reps 10 seconds in, and at 38 reps at the 20 second mark. I got really good at timed pushups by getting blazing fast reps, 2 a second, to start, and over time I was able to hold that pace closer and closer to the entire minute. The principle can be used for other movements. 60 seconds can be an all out sprint with a movement.

20th – 117

117 reps in 75 seconds

21st – 124

124 reps in 75 seconds

22nd – 129 +3-4

129 reps in 75 seconds, rom may have been too short, however it was a great cramp with a few extra strict reps after the time ran out.

I’m really looking forward to 100+ or 1:00+ sets with heavier than 10s when back to pf.

23rd – 156 or 166 in 1:30 + 7 strict after time ran out. It was exactly 130 at 75 seconds. I’m more motivated on timed sets vs counting without the timer.

24th – 129 in 75 seconds + 1 rep after time, and another set of 35 reps. 165 total

25th – 101, 86 + a few extra reps
2×1:00 timed sets, a little over a minute between. 190 total

26th – 126 reps in 1:15

27th – 128 reps in 1:15 + 7 extra after timer went off. 135 total

28th – 150, 75 less than a minute apart. 225 reps total, no timer today

29th – 112 in 1:00, 63 in : 30
175 reps total, less than a minute a part, :30 is an awesome race time

30th – 91 in :45, 77 in :45, :45 rest in between, 168 total