A Little Known Trick For Stretching Overly Tight Calf Muscles

I trained calves a few days ago, a good amount of effort expanded going 4×35 on a machine, each day since they were more and more sore to the point I couldn’t walk normally.

Extra zinc, magnesium, and calcium weren’t working.

Stretching wasn’t working.

Grinding with a lacrosse ball wasn’t working.

Self massage wasn’t working.

I had no urge to even attempt to figure out if voodoo floss could be an answer here.

After a while (day 2 of not walking normally) a trick I’ve learned hit me.

I first saw this on a defunct blogspot (apocalypse barbell) where the author related how he’d make his legs able to function again as a heavyweight after running 3 miles or better in Marine Corps PT.

His trick?

Drop into a deep atg bodyweight squat immediately after the run.

If my calves are ridiculously tight I drop into that deep squat and bounce around in the bottom position.

Nothing works as well for me and my calves as that.

My (cited) 2ยข.

Persistence & Tenacity