Barbell Strength From Volume At Planet Fitness : A Short Anecdote

July 4th, 2019 ~330pm
For the first time in a while I go outside and press.

The entire session :
•Behind The Back Deadlift 3×5 @ 135
•Press 3×5 @ 135
•Bent Row (45° angle) 3×5 @ 135
•Press 1 x 185
•Reverse Curl 5 x bar

I power cleaned the first rep of the press sets.

Weird footing, ill fitting work boots, and shirtless because the sun is good for you.

I took the 185 to see with no specific work how my press was doing.

I got my mind right, cleaned 185 easier than I had the 135 sets, like it was an empty bar, and then pressed it so fast that I was flabbergasted.

It flew up with alarming speed.

Now sure I’ve hit 3×205 last fall in the SoCal bodybuilding gym, nearly was at 225, and have been known to press 185-205 cold on a yoke (yoke presses are the bomb by the way).

But this is off of Planet Fitness pump work (& labor), a total disregard of the barbell, and had such speed I could’ve hit my first 225 press.

It all carries over.

(I do a lot of 10×10 with little rest on machine one arm presses. Close movements are specific enough.)

I know I get stronger anywhere.

I know I could build my powerlifting total without barbell work solely training at PF (an article for another time).

I figured out a good glute movement at PF (glute focus 45° hyperextensions), and accidentally got my thighs bigger (smith squats, particularly narrow stance).

Do what you can with what you have. Train hard, actually train, and it’ll be enough.

Don’t think, just do.
That’s my advice to you.

It may be end up being months before I touch a barbell again, it could be hours. Either way I’ll still come back stronger on it.

Persistence & Tenacity