The Healing Fire aka No Injuries


There are many reasons that I don’t get injured such as:

•My refusal to acknowledge the possibility of such things.
•My not sucking at life.
•My not being an idiot.
•My not being weak sauce.
•The use of healing fire.

Healing fire: an esoteric visualization technique I picked up or came up with at some point in 2015 or possibly even late 2014.

Usually I do this in bed before sleep, although in near hurt situations I will do it on the spot:

It is started by saying a healing fire is running up and down my spine, I feel the warmth heeling me.
I visualize this starting at the base of my spine then running up the the top, the base of the skull.

From here I visualize it either going to the tips of all my toes and fingers one limb at a time and/or to the area that needs it most.

For example if the right quad is sore I picture the fire running to the proper bone and it’s healing warmth radiating outwards from the bone through the muscle. If it’s a sore joint I picture the fire healing from inside the joint itself. Tendons? Ligaments? I visualize the fire in a similar manner to how I do with joints.

My practice has changed over time.

In addition to the aforementioned visualizing of feeling it in the place of my body I’ve added an anatomical chart to the visualization.

A computer rendered blue image of me with a warm red fire on the chart in the same area as where I’m feeling it in my body.

I try to see myself looking at myself and at the fire in the proper area both on me and on the anatomical chart.

I’ve used this to great effect.

You may call this eastern like practice hocus, but I don’t. I believe it works and so it does.

Science can’t prove everything, many things unproven work.

Related: Wim Hof proving his breath work excites me as that opens up more esoteric methods affecting our physiology to being proven and accepted by the masses. More need to know.

This practice will bulletproof you.
