Gym Dreams : Deadlifting 405x75ish Reps

Following in the tradition of dreams that I’ve had over the years involving awesome physical performance, yesterday I dreamt that I pulled 405 for about 75 reps.

As I was breaking into the 30s I thought “Who the fuck else can do this? Gym record at least.”

They were strict into the mid 40s, and after that it was soft lockout. The last ten or so were partials from floor to somewhere above the knees.

Even in a dream some fucker (dude about my age from the gym) took issue with the form involved.

“You didn’t lock those all out!”

“Mixed grip builds uneven development!”

“Where’s your belt! You’re asking for injury!”

Obviously like in real life I pulled it RAW, beltless, etc.

In a cloud of chalk dust I tried to explain how when pushing that hard “perfect” form is limiting, eventually giving up and with a metaphorical mic drop going “ok, your set, match that many reps with perfect form”.

A slew of excuses began to flow, when I noticed that I’d actually not loaded it to 405, bar weight was 365.

Damn it! I forgot to change plates after taking the bar over. Mentally I put in effort thinking 405 x infinity, I’d of had more reps had I realized the misload going in.

So it was 365x75ish.

and…I woke up needing to piss.
