3 Minute Wall Sit


I did it. I just broke past the 3 minute mark on wall sits.

~3:15, but DEFINITELY past 3:05.
(I was in position before I started my timer set to 3:05 and after it went off).


I’d say this beats whatever my best wall sit back in JROTC at 14-15 was.

I can’t recall going past 90 seconds in class, and have no memory of ever getting past 2:30 on my own.

I shake out the legs. The last 50 seconds hsd taken some self talk.

“50 seconds left? I’ve got this shit!”

I likely sounded insane, grunting, groaning, you know finishing the set.


While I’m not 100% certain what I’m getting from these, they are building a hard to define strength in my legs, and seem to allow me to explode better when I’m doing one arm olympic variations.

(If the JROTC experience tells me anything doing these 2-4x weekly and walking lunges a similar number of times would very likely push my squat into the ballpark 8×425 range based on what this base did for my squat at 15 and sub-175lb. )

Props to Johnny Grube at wildmantraining.com for stressing the movement. That’s where I got the idea to do them semi-consistently again.

“His wall sits are quite good. Can I beat them? Can I hit 3 minutes? 5 minutes?”

(I’ve yet to try them holding weight.)

Combine that influence with my “No Gym 9 months” 2015 experience, and my PT at 14-15 and it seemed reasonable to assume they’d do something good for me.

Building that weird enduring type of strength, the kind that’s always with you, and teaching you how to fire hard (the explosive gains).

And yep, I can hold a 3 minute wall sit. 5 is most definitely on the table.

(How long was speed skater Eric Heiden capable of holding them? + The Guinness World Record is 11hr 51min 14 sec by a Dr. Thienna Ho of Vietnam.)
