Expanding The Postworkout Anabolic Window & 2 Simple Dietary Implementations

The human body is meant for movement. The higher activity you are the more calories you need, and the more effectively you use them.

It’s said the postworkout period is the most anabolic window in which to eat. One such period a day, or less, isn’t very much. If you earn your meal by doing some PT immediately before you eat you will have done a mini session creating an anabolic window with food logistically/readily available. Your body will be amped up, anabolic, and primed for growth all day.

The human body is that of an animal. We are not herbivores, but omnivores most positively influenced by eating fatty protein, dead cow, et al.

Your body needs red meat, instinctively you crave it, you did before the media and medical field told you of it’s evils and you still do.

Follow your instinct. Eat red meat daily.

The simplest dietary thing to implement is drinking raw egg milkshakes.

•3+ eggs
• ice cream for flavor
• milk/heavy cream to fill container

Drink one shake each and every day in place of less effective, more expensive whey.

Raw eggs, and barely cooked beef are what your body most effectively utilizes. Do not overcook!

Test these three things :

1. PT to earn every meal, snack, or liquid calorie.

2. Drink raw eggs daily.

3. Eat some red meat daily.


Persistence & Tenacity