Earning Your Meals By Exercise For The More Effective Usage Of Calories

I once watched this strange amalgamation of reality show and documentary about the French Foreign Legion held at what had in a different era been a legion fort in North Africa.

On it a bunch of guys, the “recruits”/contestants were getting to play at the FFL boot camp “experience”
(without truly having “march or die” circumstances) complete with a former legionnaire Corporal-Chef playing the role of drill instructor to them.

This “instructor” made them do a set of 10 pullups before entering the chow hall each and every meal.

(Mocking and PTing those who couldn’t do all the pullups in one set with pushups to the point of puking as an alternative.)

Before you sit and eat do a small amount of PT, this is a great concept sure to amp your body up to more effectively use the calories you are about to consume, as well as provide the opportunity to prioritize a PT movement, or a certain bodypart.

(Frequency of activity to keep the body amped up is a topic for another time.)

I say earn your meals, that without preceding physical activity you don’t get to eat. This alone is a discipline capable of keeping fat asses from existing.

I myself have been doing pushups, generally a set a 25 or more, each and every time I stop and consume calories. Every time I consume calories really adds up, as not only am I doing this before meals, I’m also doing it before such things as drinking a glass of juice.

Note that this is about the only way I pay attention to post workout nutrition.

Persistence & Tenacity