Earbuds Put Sound Into Your Brain As If It’s Your Thoughts

Earbuds Put Sound Into Your Brain As If It’s Your Thoughts

Taking that into account…

A badass self recorded mantra track could be one of the most powerful things you ever create.

Instead of likely shit music, or stuff without 100% raw messages, you could tailor this very well to yourself, then have a massive positive effect on yourself.

This can be made with your phone and used anywhere. (One could even have background music in it, I’d likely use bagpipes.)


A Few Hours Of Personalized Mantras

Even a few hours of it on repeat will do a lot, think of how easy a song can get stuck in your mind, then imagine 3 hours of your own voice saying how you conquer like a modern day viking. Now picture this on a daily basis like during your workout.

Tailor the words to get raw. We live in an age where to be gelded in thought and action is the vile norm. This could be the trick to get your mind back.

Try it, then thank me.
