The Bigger You Are The More Benefit Calisthenics Have

Despite calisthenics being considered territory of little lean guys they’re actually of more benefit to heavier dudes.

You need high volume to get “gains” from calisthenics (as you’ll never lift heavier than bodyweight) and the bigger you are the more pounds of work is done allowing you to get more work per rep than a smaller guy.

For example:

Take a guy at 150lbs, and another at 300lbs. A pushup involves pushing roughly 60% of your bodyweight.

Say they both do 100 reps daily.

Little guy does 9000lbs of work, 4½ tons, “benching” 90lbs per rep.

Big guy does 18000lbs of work, 9 tons, “benching” 180lbs per rep.

Who do you think will show better (relative) bench strength from this alone?

For this very reason I say you should always perform calisthenics no matter how big you get.

In addition to keeping you athletic it can do a damn good job keeping you strong especially the bigger you are.

I’m not even factoring in high level gymnastics, I’m simply factoring in fairly vanilla PT style exercises.

One can maintain their bench if not grow it from pushups alone. The same with barbell squats and high rep Hindu squats.

Gyms are not necessary, and size while a hindrance to calisthenic ability actually is a strength towards their effectiveness.

Until tomorrow, I am J, and I am out.

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