Curl Strength From Back Work & Tire Flipping

Since this video in February of 2017 I can likely count on a few hands (my hands and one or two others hands) how many times I’ve done curls in just about any capacity…

There was a couple weeks of daily curling, a short feeder run, and occasionally testing if I could hit a 135 strict curl.

I’ve only been able to curl 135 on one to three occasions since that video…

Today (10/14/18) I got the urge to try, and hit singles at 95, 115, and 135 late in a high volume back workout.

I got 155 to the 90° sticking point, lowered it, and got it with the smallest amount of momentum with a “cheat” curl. Based off of the 135lb rep I thought I’d have a good shot at a strict 185lh curl.

(Also backed off with an easy 5×115, I think curls are meant to be 5rm-8rm.)

I’ve written before on “contrarian arm training” ie just letting compound movements get your arms stronger.

Presses for triceps, tire flips, and likely underhand rowing for biceps.

My curl is up (and my pullups easily maintained at 5 reps) from a steady training regimen of mostly hang cleans, a goodly volume of bent rows, and tire flips to end every session be it 2x or 7x weekly.

Sets of 5-8 on barbell curls feels very old school. I’m thinking if non-specific work is doing this well, a bit of curling will push me quickly up to repping a plate, and hitting 185.

Today showed me I have serious potential to “win the gym” at curling…the gym thing I’ve near wholly neglected over the years.

Aside : “Win the gym” – I was told by this petite college chick that I win the gym at flipping the tire. Expanding on the concept I generally win the gym at anything involving putting a barbell overhead, oly variants, and likely soon to be barbell curls. Fat bar stuff is my forte, there’s no argument I win the gym there, and cold lifting is where I not only win the gym, but rub loser faces in it as I’m so many levels above them it’s sad…for them.

A lot of old timers had seriously heavy max curls, maybe it is ok to train arms…as long as you’re progressively getting bigger and better 1rm-8rm.
