Contrarian Arm Training

Here it is short and sweet :

•Hang cleans for forearms.
•Tire flips for biceps.
•Heavy pressing variants for triceps.

What you want more?

Ok, I’ll feed you fuckers.

I’ve never been big on doing curls.

Effectively I’ve never done an “arm day”. Hell, I’ve always viewed such things as laziness. An “arm day” isn’t a day at all. It’s undeserving of your post workout shake and meal and dessert and McDonalds and Gatorade, etc.

What arm development I have has come solely from compound movements.

I view most as having or going for an overdevelopment of the arms in relation to the rest, I prefer say the torso to overpower the arms.

My 17″ish arms aren’t small mind you, but my torso makes them look it.

I’ve built myself the way my leverages combined with compound movements will.

I say choose the compound to hit your arms vs the isolation.

Hammer curls, “cheat” curls, reverse curls, high rep heavy wrist curls, and JM presses the only “arm” work I’ve liked anyway.

(I do like grip work. I hate most curls for the biceps always prefering overload “cheat” curls or more forearm centric variants. Still arm work is usually byproduct of a compound exercise.)

Currently my biceps are growing as everytime I hit the weights I end with tire flips.

As my pressing moves up so will my triceps.

Forearm growth will occur by doing hang cleans regularly with metal not bumper plates. Pauses, no dropping with that “rough” catch from the drop at knee or waist height, oh yeah, forearm growth.



(I wrote this about 2 weeks back, but it expands out well to what I just wrote today.)