May 2021 Flow – Eating Is The Anabolic Activity :

After the gym I hit the grocery store, a $20 bill in hand, and walked out with nearly 10,000 calories.

Not exactly two days worth of food, but it could be so, and frankly I could get by on $20/week if necessary.

That just would mean purchasing different foods.

However I prefer just spending what I happen to spend, buying whatever sounds good.

My grocery cart a lesson in instinctive eating, it’s all by craving.

Whether it’s diet or training – instinctive works for me.

I ate at least a quarter of those calories that night, had a couple dinners, don’t know my exact nutrition, I just know I put down a good deal over a couple sittings, and this :


Dirty bulking is what separates the heavily muscled from everyone else.

When your calories are high, and your protein intake is sufficient, the quality of the calories matters far far less than most expect.

On low calories processed soy is probably bad, but as filler outnumbered by the meat anyway
on a calorie bomb of frozen food the body just processes it.

Don’t underestimate how powerful an anabolic a fat and calorie bomb of frozen food is.

Go eat 5000+ calories, and give yourself the level of physicality necessary to process it effectively.

Feasting on quantity is 1000x more muscle building than starving on quality.

This applies most to the young.

And the biggest dudes tend to be found acquiring calories at the discount grocers, not the yuppie places.

I walked in more than once with a $5 bill, and walked out with 10lbs of chicken, a dollar bill, and a dime.

Same place I’d buy pinto beans at 33¢/lb, and big cans of tomato sauce at similarly silly low prices.

The place sold cactus for cooking, as well as other plants I never identified, was noticably dirty, but fed you well.

•tomato sauce

I don’t recall ever buying any other items there.

A quantity of milk will always beat some protein powder.

The entire frozen pizza beats a couple cans of tuna.

Я машина
I am an eating and training machine

It’s near bed, I’ve got a bit more pushups to do, and type as I eat.

Over 5000 calories on the day, I doubt I’ll be sore in the morning.

Junk food is a large part of size in this fat society, and dirtier but nutritious foods are the bread and butter of the heavily muscled.

Talking about that really cheap grocery store, I was living off stew at the time, and was not crazy big eating lots of nutritious food (stew) supplemented with junk food (soda, cookies).

I’m much heavier eating mostly dirty but nutritious foods with some clean foods and some junk food.

A certain amount of dirty and junk food simply make you larger in height, fat, and muscle.


It’s something I’ve noted.

Eating and getting some muscular stimulus before bed?
I’ll wake up bigger. The extra food will go straight to my traps.

What you expect is what you get.

April 2021 Flow – Fat or Fit – Owning It :

Awhile back my cousin, giant fat body that he is, was lamenting to me the sense of embarrassment that he felt upon envisioning taking his shirt off.

(6’6″, roughly 380, I’ve seen his ass at 400+ before)

I recall at 18 having insisted his 13yo, already ~6’3″, already 300ish lb, big blonde ass yell “I am a goddamn viking!’ before jumping off a rock into the water at this swim hole I had taken him and his human sized older brother to that day.

I told him that at the time to get him to stop being self conscious, stop being fearful, get out of his head, and JUMP INto the water, something that is pretty danged fun once you get past the fear and into the moment.

To be a Man in the moment.


More recently I told him “then either change it, get built in a way you’re proud of, or don’t change it, and change your mentality to yeah this is how I’m built, and rock it”.

(The Beer Gut) And we’re going there :

Basically I was telling him to rock it, own it, be not ashamed.

And apparently we’re pulling out corny pop country from a decade back. However it popped into my head as “he’s rocking the beer gut”, how different I recalled it lol.

Personally I’m not so worried about appearance. What matters is whether the functionality, and physicality is there or not.

Performance takes precedence to looks, and if you’re not going to be fueled by the self hatred that forces change instead of the one that overeats and/or eats garbage, vapes, and drinks you’re better off looking in the mirror like this :

how long I’ve sat on this pic lol

And making a big ole training habit which will eventually get you from Bean  standing there to in the mirror Bean as in the pic above.

And it will get you there.

Give it time. +/- 5 or 10 years. Commit.

The performance comes first, the appearance a pleasant bonus.

I’ll always train.

Persistence & Tenacity

April 2021 Flow – Rob Greenfield & Grassy Spaces vs Crops :

Back when I was still watching stuff I had a few “guilty” pleasures when it came to things to watch. I had television in all its forms down to nearly zero.

One of the things I did watch however, follow I should say, was watching the progress of Rob Greenfield on his quest to go an entire year without eating anything other than what he grew and foraged by his own hand.

I was thinking about this. Looking around, taking note.

Off the top of my head I can think of one retiree who has a small garden, and one tiny community garden, used little, and generally overgrown with weeds, not put much to use.

I was thinking about the times I’ve been on the west coast, thinking off how much water is piped in to have grass everywhere.

I was thinking about how just about any space growing anything could instead be space for crops.

Commercial agriculture grows extremely high amounts of calories, pretty much as efficiently as humanity will likely ever pull off. You can drive through crops for hours on interstates, the crop changing seemingly with the crossing of state lines.

I doubt that the world is at it’s max calorie production however. There is so much space. Suburbia could be homes and corn. Abandoned urban lots could be lots of potatoes.

It would be a time consuming thing, and it is not how society is set up, nor something that humanity as is is cooperative enough to do.

A utopian pipe dream maybe. Still I daydream.

Imagine all of suburbia being cornfields with intermittent homes and driveways. People would have to forgo the overtime, and audis to do so.

It’d be like that show “world without humans”, but managed acreage of crop mixed with the homes, skyscrapers, highways, etc.

At the least, if wheat is a grass, could not yards be of wheat, and become bread instead?

Instead of something begrudgingly mowed. Obviously photosynthesis is making the green grass grow all around the nation. It could be calories for human use instead.

I imagine a world where all use all their space for food production, it is something humanity really has done in the past.

It would require a far different lifestyle society wide however.

It’s crazy to think only a few generations back that far more land was small farms throughout the land, that a much higher percentage of the populance was involved in food production, and that the majority outside of the cities produced their food in part, not absolute zero like I’d bet 99.9% of americans today to be at in food production.

It seems to me that the country could have a far stronger balance between local food production, and commercial agriculture. The two could coexist, and that would be a very strong position for the nation to be in, health wise, and access to calorie wise.

Bodybuilding would not exist, access to calorie wise, in a nation of small farms.

People, all of them, whether jacked or obese, can thank commercial agriculture for those calories.

Commercial agriculture is why the country is not at WW2 era body mass indexes en masse.

A 50/50 mix of agribusiness and small scale local production would be less calories, but much healthier overall for the nation.

50/50 allowing healthier local foods to be a big part of the average person’s diet, while still allowing for larger height/weight than pre WW2 era BMI via big agriculture calorie production.

It’s not all in the quantity, nor all in the quality of your calories.

Very much produced is wasted, from food thrown out to food scraps thrown out. Food could’ve been eaten, food scraps could’ve been fertilizer or feed.

Think a little about your food consumption.

April 2021 Flow – Higher Frequency Eating :

Positive evolution is natural.

And life varies with the seasons.
Some of this I suspect is an effect of spring v winter.

I ate five times yesterday, and today I type during/after my fourth and fifth meals.

One kid at the gym wants me to do muscle ups.

He always talks about me doing so.

Psychologically I want to be lean.
I desire to be all in on bodybuilding.

My way.

I have been getting lots of compliments on build lately.

A petite chick described me as “so broad shouldered” today, as she did her best cute little crab pose hulk impersonation.

Training is by instinct, no plan aside from high frequency, in conversation I likened my training method to chaotic discipline.

The first meal was about 12oz of milk when I woke up to piss this morning.

Now, after making fun of my buddy for this, I’m doing the same thing – where a feeding no matter how small is referred to as a meal.

Rich Piana Ten Meals A Day

Today it was five, the fifth spread out a bit, eating what was in the fridge.

Ten would be an interesting experiment.

I’ve seen a buddy do so.

Drinking something when you get up in the night to piss is a way to get in more calories.

While it could be whey in water, I’d prefer it be an egg shake preprepared in the fridge or milk however.

You get far better nutrition with macros in the cup past protein alone.

Protein needs the carb or fat to be utilized fully.

Hit the fridge before you rehit the pillow.

An egg shake before bed is a game changer. It’s a nutritional bomb being given overnight to digest.

That’s good absorbtion, good usage.

Some form of middle of the night nutrition can be a game changer as well.

Heck, you could keep it cold in a thermos bedside.

I’m laughing at the idea of a raw egg shake bedside for when one takes a piss in the middle of the night.

But I too see myself doing it, it’s just so far from the norm as to strike me as hilarious.

Can’t be normal, that’d be boring not the best usage of my time.

That’s why I watch zero television.
I’ve got music to play every morning, and duolingo makes it zero excuse accessible to learn languages.

While the weights don’t lift themselves.

April 2021 Flow – On Superfoods :

Depending on the source, peas, lentils, beans were historically referred to as “poor man’s meat, the people intuiting the protein content even before the concept of macros were known to science.

Everytime something is called a superfood, it’s inevitably some fruit, a berry, usually acai, blueberry, etc.

What a joke!

While you can get nutrients from plants alone, it requires a diverse diet of ingredients, just try to survive as a one ingredient vegan.


I’d put the best odds on one pulling this off with garbanzo beans, or coconut.

The two would be a sustainable vegan diet, sound nutritionally.

However in the meat eaters world to live off one ingredient? This is the easiest thing ever.

No one ever starved eating delicious fatty meat.

If the information put out on foods was honest, there would be headlines such as “Steak – The #1 Food For Your Health”, and “How To Best Cook Your Ground Beef For Robust Vitality And Vigor”.

There’s plenty of historical precedence showing people thriving on eating fatty dead animal, even to exclusively.

Try to find that with plants.

Try to find someone surviving on berries. Even the bear, king of berry consumption…he eats his salmon aplenty.

Red meat, fatty meat, saturated fat, dairy, organ meat – these are the true superfoods.

March 2021 Flow – Food Quality, Commercial Agriculture, & Eating Without Worry :

“Oh my goodness! Heavens to mergatroid!”

I went just over 24 hours without meat.

I had an interesting conversation about eating, and agriculture recently.

I recalled my aunt was cooking some fish with soybean oil.

The smell in the air was off.

Trusting my sense of smell (an instinct) I concluded that soybean oil is unhealthy, poison even.

Trust your instincts.
My nose wasn’t hitting on the fish.
Fish is fine, they are food.

no way this happens in the ocean – fish are food

You could eat like your grandparents or great grandparents did, and be healthy as a horse.

Interesting to note they were using bacon grease, butter, lard, and suet, olive oil the only vegetable oil.

That’s the way to go with fats.

Animal fats have human history saying they are healthy.

Vegetable oil has advertising and propaganda saying they are healthy in the face of 50+ years of experience saying otherwise.

We spoke of cholesterol, organic foods, and meat substitutes.

I had made fun of my cousin for purchasing the not a burger from burger king.

I laughed at him for buying not meat at a place which sells meat.

The guy I was talking to pointed out “what is going on with it to make not meat, look, smell, and taste like meat”.

It is my opinion that cholesterol is only worth ignoring completely.

I’ve witnessed adults who stress it, dodging the animal products, and still having it be a “problem”.

Likewise those who disregard it generally are healthier in my eyes.

Testosterone is tied to cholesterol.

I don’t stress, nor will I ever stress dietary cholesterol (again).

I’m not a middle school kid unhealthy per doctor’s orders.

Dietician, what a farce – I lost 38lbs at 14 on my own accord.

I was unhealthy living on grains and low fat.

I became healthy partaking in all the delicious animal fats.

And the best the doctor and dietician could come up with was “cut out grape juice”, not tell me “eat real food and exercise”.

At age 6 being given 2% milk, having been given soymilk to “prevent developing lactose intolerance”, I felt as if I had discovered the nectar of the gods.

I felt this again at 16 switching from 2% to whole milk, and likely will again should I ever drink raw milk.

Raw milk is actually fairly available.
There are directory websites for finding some near you.

However at present I’m not going and paying quadruple or more (I don’t know raw milk’s average cost) for the truest milk, and view homogenized whole milk as good enough at about $2.50 per gallon.

This is including having seen with my own eyes rather disgusting conditions road side at what I took to be a commercial dairy farm as I drove coast to coast.

I figure in this case, under large scale commercial agriculture conditions, that the heating is a good idea.

Raw from healthy naturally raised cows is better, speaking from what I’ve read and intuited, but commercial production in america is pretty good for what it needs to accomplish.

Commercial agriculture provides far beyond ample calories.

You as the consumer get to choose what you eat.

I personally base my diet on dairy, meat, and some grain.

You can’t go wrong with meat and potatoes, even if that’s inexpensive meat which while living was corn and soy fed.

Organic makes the most sense with meat as the fat is where all the bad stuff is held in the product.

I laugh when people buy organic fruit for instance.

With what a healthyish vegetarian eats they don’t really need to purchase organic as organic makes a difference with red meat and milk the most.

As I type I have a bowl of chicken and potatoes, stretched with a box of mac and cheese, while drinking milk.

I’m thankful for commerical agriculture. It feeds me well.

It’d be healthier to eat only organic meats, free range eggs, and raw milk, but that’s not where I’m at this moment financially, so I make do with commercial agriculture knowing I choose robustness and vigorousness as I eat.

I don’t worry about a thing eating how I eat.

Worry is low testosterone. It’s catabolic.

I ain’t worried. This serves me well. Others can choose to worry about how they eat.

As you eat choose robustness and vigorousness.

There’s plenty for you to choose from and partake in.

The Dietary Opposite Of The Donuts & Massive Volume Of PT Weekend – Cans Of Tuna & Sprints :

What would be the dietary opposite of the PT and donut weekend?

We’re still looking for fast physical transformation here, so the volume PT is still a given.

The dietary opposite is :

Cans of tuna or eating chicken breast, no carbs, no fats.

Being fat loss focused the PT is
massive sprint repeats or burpee volume for a weekend.

(or for a few consecutive weekends)

This is an idea for a quick way to lose a bunch of fat while holding onto your muscle.

Sprints and burpees both are some natural HGH!

It’s a protein sparing modified fast.

This is what I meant in 2018 – the tuna and sprints thing being something I read around 2013 on a now defunct website.

Imagine doing this for four weekends in a row, each Monday your coworkers bugging out seeing a visible change since each Friday.


March 2021 Flow – Big Eating :

There are some commonalities in how the biggest and strongest eat.

“You still eat massive steaks, massive amounts of them. I remember regularly running into you at the store, and you’d always be buying bag fulls of these big ass steaks.”

I got a laugh, “not as much now. Probably ¼ of my meals are stew, ¼ homemade burgers, still mooing, and I drink a lot of milk. Always have. Milk has been my truest mainstay.”

“Yeah me too, I drink a lot of milk. I eat massive amounts of eggs. Tons of eggs.”

“I’m not big on eggs, do you drink them or cook them? I have phases where I use a lot of eggs, I mostly drink them in shakes with ice cream for flavor and milk or cream to blend.”

Later that same day a buddy told me he’s at over a dozen eggs each day, and ramping it up to bulk.

No ice cream in his blender to hide the consistency of snail, just rice cakes, eggs, and turmeric.

Except him

All the biggest and strongest I know eat big. They all consume relatively high amounts of protein, and for the most part eat mixed macros.

All can, but not necessarily will, put down food. The fact I can eat over 3000 calories in a go is how I get away with intermittent fasting while staying in the mid 200s.

Muscular size is built mostly from three sources :

•lots of meat
•lots of dairy
•lots of eggs

The three are the source of nutrition. After them calories are increased with everything and anything by personal taste.

Dude I know, almost got a pro card, probably 6’3″ 330 at his peak –

I ran into him at the grocery store, and razzed him a bit on the 20+ lbs of chicken breast that were the first thing in his cart.

“Yep, they’ve always worked for me.”

•lots of meat
•lots of dairy
•lots of eggs

I tend to tell people “you don’t want to know how I eat, unless you’re trying to bulk”.

I got that down pat.

•lots of meat
•lots of dairy
•lots of eggs

Figure your way with the three.

The variation is endless.

If you’re eating 3lbs of meat (and I call 1dz eggs = 1lb meat) with a gallon of milk each day…it’s impossible to be small.

I came across some 10,000 calorie “challenge” stuff online. What a joke.

That’s four feedings on a particularly hungry day.

1900 calories of food with a quart of milk x 4.

Probably less food as I’d be drinking juice in addition to the milk.

Eating Dairy & Corn Before Bed :

I’ve never stressed eating near going to bed, in fact preferring to.

A full belly makes it easier to fall asleep.

My food is stacked in the evening. I feel better this way.

Hearty breakfast is served at the entirely wrong time of day – I want sausage and grits at night.

When I have cereal it’s before bed.

Heavy meals in the am only slow me down, but in the evening and night there’s time to digest and utilize the food for recovery and repair before being in action again.

If calories and sleep both are anabolic doesn’t it make sense to worry about fat in the future, and use the anabolism now?

Feed the body before rest.

That’s the way I see it.

Cheesy grits with whatever meat is on hand is one of my ravenous at late night go tos.

A couple minutes in the microwave, and boom – you’ve got something tasty, enjoyable, and warm that’ll stick to your ribs.

I find it comforting.
A simple pleasure.

Corn cereal in heavy cream is another.

A coworker turned me onto this after I’d said how I’ll mix raw eggs with ice cream and milk or heavy cream.

“Have you ever eaten cereal with cream instead of milk poured over it?”

Cereal with cream was something he’d done as a child on his grandpa’s farm, and let me tell you cereals are real good this way.

They don’t taste so dang sugary, the fat of the cream blunting the sugar added to the cereal.

Drink milk on the side of both.

Dairy & corn late night for muscular gains.

Try this, and know this – saturated fat is a precursor to hormone production.

My body easily utilizes heavy cream, right before bed to be utilized as I rest overnight…I feel and see the raised testosterone.

This is why I prefer it to milk in egg shakes.

The extra saturated fat boosts testosterone, and is more anabolic than protein consumption.

Spittin knowledge –

“Mr if I’m talking you should listen, game is free ok.”

2/5/21 – Eating 8500+ Calories In 10 Hours :

At a little after 4pm I ate a meal, then at 10pm another.

6200+ calories between the two.

At 2am, quite hungry, I eat again, an 8oz brick of cheese with crackers, peanut butter, and milk.

About 2400 calories here.

6200 + 2400 = 8600

At least 8600 calories in about ten hours. I ran numbers fairly conservatively, likely eating over 9000.

9000 calories? That’s NOT impossible! Note : For me a yu-gi-oh card would’ve been more accurate.

I actually am a bit disappointed not hitting 10,000 and then with typical sports/bodybuilding stat exaggeration saying how I eat 10,000 calories just like Victor Richards did.

Victor Richards – he went on the record saying he’d eaten 10,000+ calories in a day before, THEN the magazine printed it up like it he did so daily. 10,000 Calories Daily!

All The Food :
Meal 1 – 4pm :
½lb kielbasa
1 pack ramen
½ box mozzarella sticks (yes the box as unit of measurement)
grape juice x 3-5 cups
milk x 3-5 cups

Meal 2 – 10pm :
most of a box of cereal
more milk on the side

Meal 3 – 2am (Feb 6th) :
8oz brick of cheese
peanut butter
more milk

8600+ calories, 3 meals, 10 hours.
I got a kick out of mentioning this to the dude I trained with that afternoon.

“8600? Is that normal?”

“No, 4000-6000 from two meals is, but I was particularly hungry, realized I ate three meals of at least two to three thousand calories each, and ran the numbers out of curiosity. I estimated, though I don’t think I got 9000.”

“Did you want to hit 9000?”

“No, if I purposely was trying to hit a very high calorie number I’d force feed to 10,000 so as to be able to say I ate 10,000 calories a day.”

If you aren’t growing, and want to ;
train, and try eating.

Some foods make it really easy to hit high caloric counts.

Go for those dense nutritious foods and drinks when you’re bulking.

I listed out what I ate, all three meals very easy to eat.



With a small amount of milk drank around 2pm before the 24 hour mark from starting I must have hit over 9000 calories in the 4pm to 4pm 24 hour period.

& FYI – the eating started maybe an hour after the York combos of the preceding post. Barbell work can impressively stimulate the appetite under certain circumstances, which I’ve found to be either very infrequent use, heavy legs, or heavy back and shoulder sessions (hang olys, presses, bent row, deadlifts).