August 2021 Flow – Eggs Are #1 – Food Thoughts :

Eggs are the superfood.

While bacon and beef are close runners up, and I’d rather eat either than eggs, in the overall standing eggs win.

Cost? Eggs.
Simplicity? Eggs.
Variance? Eggs.

While you can eat raw beef, often you wouldn’t want to, eggs however are easily drinkable.

There’s nothing like a good breakfast at any time of day, and the base is eggs.

Saturated fat is the most important macro, important to hormone production, and brain function – that’s what the yolk is.

It’s likely the best cost per gram available ($3 gets you about 200g), AND it’s the highest in digestibility.

They call eggs 100% on that protein use scale – everything else is based off of them.

18 eggs gets you 108g of protein.

Today I split that equally between two meals, breakfast and dinner.

1/2lb of 75/25 beef with the first, breakfast sausage with the second.

66g protein from beef and pork – 174g on the day between eggs and meat, I’ll likely pass 200 with milk, though I’m not stressing it.

(hit about 250g with milk)

Eating could be wholly centered around breakfast foods.

Looking to lose weight?
Eat only eggs, meat, and vegetables.

Looking to gain weight?
Larger portions of the above (12 eggs is easy to eat, even with stuff added), add in milk, juice, toast, donuts, etc.

Not the normal bodybuilding approach, but a simple 1950s style manly approach.

Everyone can cook eggs.
Man can eat well pan frying everything.

On the note of fat – low fat meat isn’t.

I don’t count it as meat.
Meat has lots of saturated fat.

The eskimo mixed fat sources with the lean to make the lean useful.

I added olive oil to the skim/2% “milk” my parent’s bought as a high schooler.

Chicken breast?
Sounds good wrapped in bacon.

I’m big on putting multiple meats in the same dish, for example I love beef and pork stew – AND, they’re in there 50/50.

It’s been a few days of 9+ eggs, I feel better taking them in, whether raw in shakes or fried in a pan.

Eat simply.