8/4/21 Supersetting Pullups & Dips :

I estimate my bodyweight is at 250.
A week and a half back I estimated it at 240, but I’m either gaining weight or recomping.

Likely both.

Diet wise protein is higher than my norm, but it’s also full of saturated fat. Still mixed macro.

Calories generally are moderate, high some days, but I’m not at that most recent physical job, and I’m getting long hours of sleep.

This is how I started today’s session, and why I’m writing :

Pullups SuperSet W/ Dips :
4×6 at bw+20 ss w/4×15
x3 ugly 4 at bw+60 ss w/ 30
20 w/35

That may have been my first set of 20 in that grip, I had rested a minute or two between the last two supersets, the first four sets were at hurry up no resting pace, I was mostly fasted, and it’s by far the best I’ve superset from one bar to the other.

I felt a few levels up.
I am a few levels up!

In the changing room mirror I’m better looking.

Bodyfat % is obviously lower, and I’m putting on some size.

Killing a large pizza and grape juice as I type, today was actually only upper body – the aforementioned to start, btn press, band resisted pushups, and band presses (pressing the band against air for power) as a triset, wrestler’s bridge for reps not holds, then pushups to end.

I hadn’t done band resisted pushups in a long time, will be doing them regularly again as they’re a way to add weight while easy logistically, and the other band thing was for power – I’ll mix them in regularly too.

The only leg work incidental from the bridging. I realized my potential to get real strong on bridges, adding weight to them, while upside down doing them.

I didn’t bottom position squat today.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s session.

Strong today AND I’m eating up.
Full body tommorow!

It’s a positive feedback loop – the squats raise testosterone, the eating raises testosterone, I repeat.

It’s a positive feedback loop.
Solid session after solid session.

Persistence & Tenacity