Bro Science > Lab Coat Science :

Lab coat science is limits.
Bro science is action.

Action gets results.

Research oft slips into endless research, staying at square one, always circling back from a to a to a to a.

I don’t want to hear some overly studious overly degreed type’s findings on MY limits.

I go and find my abilities.

Science says you can’t.
They think you can’t.

Anecdotes, n=1, personal experience says you can!

I know I can!

Science is an excuse to suck.

Science says fear cholesterol, saturated fat, eggs, whole milk, red meat, butter.

Instinct says partake.

Science says treadmills and ellipticals.

Instinct says weights, calisthenics, and activity.

Science says that what every high school wrestler and many laborers do is impossible.

Guess I didn’t do it!

Why heck, in the eyes of science the railroads were never built!

“John Henry couldn’t have been so strong!”, says the scientist, “Paul Bunyan couldn’t have been based on someone! No no no, legends couldn’t have been based on reality”.

All these things that science says – limits I’ve seen broken.
Limits I know to have been broken.
My instincts say “possible. possible. always possible!”

Science sucks. Disregard science.
Instinct all day, every day, all the way.

I am a firm believer in possibility, capability, the greatness that humanity collectively, and the individual human, each and every one can achieve.

February 2021 Flow – Going Without, Self Selected Hardship – All By Choice = Abundance

Humanity has proven itself resilient over the years, not a bunch of survivors, but a bunch of thrivers.

The other night I slept with just the blanket AND sheet, skull cap on, no long sleeve shirt, no socks, and felt somewhat chilly…indoors.

Ignoring the feeling, I slept, dreamt vivid dreams, and when I awoke to urinate a thought was strongly in my head :

“We’re cold indoors not as layered up as would be comfortable, while soldiers in the civil war were sleeping back propped up against a tree under the stars in snow storms with one government issue blanket over them, no skull cap either. Then upon rising, and having some weak coffee, they were either in for a long march, or went to battle that day.”

Humanity is coddled. Humanity doesn’t need to be. It’s the most resilient, adaptable animal on earth.

You don’t need all the stuff you have.

Your wardrobe more than keeps you warm.

Your fridge more than keeps you fed. Within five minutes and for under five dollars you can eat what many drool over. Don’t eat too much!

A little hardship makes you better.
You’re so blessed, that you choose to go without!

It’s “hardship” by choice, not by force of circumstance –
that’s amazing abundance.

February 2021 Flow – Reading & Pushups, Gym Trips, Training, & Eating Simplicity :

Reading a book the other night, needing to do my pushups, I used an approach I don’t usually use.

One that feels right now :

Every few minutes I’d set the book down, and do a set of 10 perfect controlled strict pushups.

10 sets of 10, getting 100 pushups, basically unnoticed, done within an hour that I was otherwise reading through.

No gym trip necessary.
A good book and pushups at home – enjoyable. 🙂

Get the idea of “a set time to workout” out of your mind.

Since 20 years old I’ve viewed the gym, even equipment, as icing on the cake.

The daily pushups are viewed through the lenses of military PT.

I have to do them.
There is never a valid reason to not do them. They have perfect logistics.

I suggest everyone view calisthenics as the primary work, and all else as secondary work.

Perfect logistics that way, and as there is what could be perceived as neverending talk of the gym closing down…meanwhile all the fat bodies are keeping their fingers crossed in gleeful anticipation of “an excuse” to stop the daily elliptical to become an even more slovenly ones with the couch…

I don’t care if the gym shuts down or not.

I’d prefer the access yes, however at this point I’m thinking, sometimes saying, “bring it! close the gym. I’ll come back better!”

I’ve done so before – multiple times.
Just watch…again!

No gym means I’ll just be reading more with this every so often pushups approach.

It’s what I did during the lockdown.

Lockdown lifted people were looking at me like the progress I made was physiologically impossible – but it wasn’t. It happened. Destroy your limiting thoughts.

Destroy them.

There is only capability.

Mix in fasting, the simplest approach to fat loss in existence, and – lean and mean.


Training and eating – keep it simple and workable.

No need for fancy equipment – I AM all the gym I need.

No need for fancy food – simple cooked meals with basic ingredients more than suffice.

The next few days I’ll be eating a keto casserole.

After that I have sausage.

All I drink is water, milk, and 100% fruit juice.

I go the gym when I like, but I’ll be doing my pushups regardless each and every day.

Lean out? Drop the liquid calories, drink cold water instead, eat simple nutritious low carb meals, and fast.

Go for long walks. Sometimes do cardio. More activity –

In my eyes an all in cutting diet is chicken breast and green beans – as said above right now my next two or three days of food is a ground beef and green bean casserole.

I’m taking steps in that direction.
Closer to all in on eating to lean out, and there’s no junk food – only fruit sugar from juice when I have it.

I’ve found I enjoyed fasting, recently I went two days without calories, and got visibly leaner from that time.

Makes sense, 2×5000=10000, 10k calories is 3lbs fat + I was active, I still trained.

Think like a warrior, be on a mission.

You eat good nutritious food when it’s time.

You fast, then feast – when it’s time.

You train, not like some slovenly fat body, but like a man on a mission…when it’s time.

I feel everything – training, eating, fasting, all coming together.

You can’t do the work and not get good results. Put positive work in and it’s guaranteed to work.

And don’t wrap your identity too much in what you do with weights.

There’s greater.

Persistence & Tenacity

Rightly Exercise Your Posterior Chain & Spine :

In addition to the occasional set of deadlifts I’ve too added in the use of my neck harness.

The front of your body may be the show muscles, but the back of your body, the posterior, is your go muscles – the back is what gives you posture, it’s what makes you feel well, it’s the more important of the two.

“A well exercised spine makes you physically fine.” – me

I sense that deadlifts, I sense that neck work – I sense that they’re the builders of vigor, vitality.

That’s the strength you need!

That’s why I’ve added the two in.

Front or back?
Posterior is more important.

That’s why I’ve been doing hip thrusts – the fit chicks have it right, posterior is more important.

Deadlifts are medicine. The neck harness separates you from the weak. Don’t laugh at the yogi – many of his exercises, the bridge, are found too in the wrestling world.

You’ve gotta work the spine, you’ve gotta have a rightly exercised strong posterior chain.

A strong athletic spine, with well developed rear muscles is what seperates the physically functional from those who are not.

Be as rightly designed – strong, functional, and healthy – full of vigor and vitality.

Wild at heart.

Persistence & Tenacity

February 2021 Flow – “Deadlift Medication” – A Deadlift Meditation :

Winter gloves? ✓
Double overhand? ✓
I have the bar loaded to 300.

I do a set of 5 or 6 purposefully using form as perfect as possible, and hold the final rep for a time.

I don’t know how frequently I’ll be doing this, I deadlifted last about two weeks ago, it could be a random every couple weeks kinda thing.

Never straining. Always double overhand. Minimalistic.

A set every so often because it’s medicine.

The body responds amazingly well to high tension.

The deadlift is the epitome of high tension exercise.

I feel my entire body working, and man does it feel good.

Whatever is on my feet – I’m not a wrestling shoes/chucks/ballet slipper/barefoot snob.

Not any longer.

Leg press it up and the footwear is inconsequential.

Heck, I did this outside in the soaked through beat up holey sneakers I happened to be wearing.

Fresh air making the set even better.

You don’t need to chase powerlifting numbers.

Just get good stimuli and you’re good.

I’ll stick to pulling 205-300lbs for my occasional deadlift set for a time.

Perfect form, get the reps up in perfect form – feel the medicinal tension.

Eventually the weight will be heavier, done just as effortlessly perfectly leg pressing it up using the double overhand grip.

I’m happy to pull wearing winter gloves, it just makes my grip stronger.

A partial deadlift used to be known as the health lift.

There’s truth to that.
The deadlift is the health lift.

That is when you treat it as something to build you up, not chasing a number with mixed grip or straps, and a belt.

Raw double overhand – perfect form – leg press it up.

Enough weight you feel the tension, but little enough there’s no strain.

That makes you feel alive.

Leisure Time, “No Time To Workout”, & A Reframe :

Many have two things in their life :

•they have a job.
•they have the television/social media.

Everyone says you need leisure time.

So many say they don’t have time to workout.

Combine them.

I’ve had zero television time for about four months now. This is not bragging, it’s just what I’m doing, I’ve went a calendar year before.

I don’t watch anything, in fact the flash of the screens catching my eye at the gym is something I dislike.

My main version of leisure time is being at the gym or more accurately in training.

It can be and is done everywhere.
I’ve been committed to pushups for years – you. can. not. stop me from doing them.

I do my pushups regardless.

Frankly the gym is a stressful “leisure” for all those not doing much but wasting away at tv time on a treadmill.

“My training ain’t tv time on a treadmill” – me

The way I do it is pullups, burpees, db see-saw press, pushups, dips, hip thrusts, curls, overhead squats.

like a see saw

It’s not movement (barely) on a machine in front of a screen.

Calisthenics with a little bit of the supplementary use of equipment.

I perceive training as my leisure time.

That’s how I step away from the world, and destress, set my mind right.

As dictator of earth everyone will be doing burpees.

Not only will there be effectively zero unhealthy and sick, it is utopia created – Heaven on earth.

True physicality with honest effort puts your state of mind in Heaven.

Burpees are the simplest way I’ve found to go there.

Man, a number was done on many – convincing them they’re doing something of use jogging indoors in front of the television when there’s burpees to be done, weights to lift, mountains to hike, fresh air to be breathed, a world to see.

You have how much tv time?
And you’re still watching commercials – hit the deck then at the very least – off the couch!

Your Best Body Parts, Muscle Insertions, Natural Strong Mind-Muscle Connections, & The Pump :

What are naturally your best bodyparts are the ones you have the best mind-muscle connection with from the beginning.

My chest has developed well, was large when I was skinny, and I always felt it getting worked well.

A guy I know with serious forearm and bicep development said it was the same way for him with his respectively best developed muscles.

A buddy of mine who bodybuilds, as a beginner he felt his biceps, lats, quads, and glutes.
They all grew quickly for him.

It’s likely this way for everybody.

Better development comes from better mind-muscle connection.

Though the mind-muscle connection comes more easily on the muscles which have the advantageous insertions, it’s not just advantageous insertions.

Good Insertions & A Powerful Mind-Muscle Connection

It’s a symbiotic relationship.

The great thing is that you can continually improve the mind-muscle connection.

Doing so in many cases ends up building your strength better than if you just did movements where you go a to b without feeling the muscle work.

I’ve found that letting my lats and biceps work, to feel the mind-muscle connection, and to get the squeeze is more advantageous to me than just doing pullups.

Back machines, and curls in my case are functional training.

They improve my pullup ability while giving me a euphoric pump.

Whatever movement gets you a pump is functional to you.

Not to mention the psychological benefits of a euphoric pump.

Even a strength specialized low rep lifting powerlifter makes better progress when getting a pump.

The pump can and sometimes does come with low rep stimuli.

Though for most, and most reliably, it comes with lighter weight, squeezing the contractions as hard as possible, and lowering the weight slowly.

Whatever your goal – with weights you want to be getting a pump.

Persistence & Tenacity

Weight Room Inspiration & Potential – From >1rm To 30rm :

When starting out what was more than my 1rm has now become something I can hit for nearly 30 reps.

A sub-185lb bench at 15 to hitting it for nearly 30 whenever I’d rep out at the weight, now able to do so for 30+ should I but touch a barbell.

I recall one summer, I was about 19, finding a tractor tire sitting near the high school track.

I attempted to flip it, and failed.

A few days later I got it for a single rep.

A few days after that I got it for a few singles.

By the end of the summer I was doing distance with it flipping it around 30 times in a row.

I even got my much smaller friend able to flip it for a single or two.

At the SoCal bodybuilding gym, I taught one normal dude (5’10” 180lbs) how to flip the tire there.

I flipped that tire as a finisher every session. I got crazy props from people for doing so.

I offered to teach at least one more dude (a 5’8″ 165lb men’s physique competitor) to do so, and he hemmed and hawed – not game.

That tire was rarely flipped since so many were not game.

I could’ve taught some of the women there to flip that tire.

The required strength levels were there from the tall big boned college senior/recent college grad always wearing farm related pun tshirts to the female bodybuilders, and if we’re being honest here more than just those most obvious examples.

Many could’ve went from no flip to using the tire flip as conditioning like I had with that other tire a few summers earlier.

Gym success is guaranteed with commitments to consistent effort over a period of years.

Something heavier than your 1rm will become something you can do for around 30 at least.

I’ve proven this to myself.
You too have this potential.

In fact all of our potential is higher than just the beginning 1rm to 30rm.

I’ve long felt that what many consider a 5-10rm can be trained to roughly a 50rm given the commitment, consistency, and time.

У меня лучшая генетика

Persistence & Tenacity

2/19/21 – Gym Dream – A Dreamt Testimonial :

Setting :
I seemed to be in college.
Cafeteria, lunch hour nearly over, I’d just made my way in.

At the table I sat down at was a kid I remember from early middle school.

A troubled youth, the last I heard of him he was all tatted up, and who knows prison not unlikely.

I didn’t realize I was dreaming til I awoke, quite realistic, and vaguely lucid it was.

Now I recognized this kid, however it’s not like we were friends in middle school, nor had we seen each other in somewhere between 5-15 years at the point in time the dream took place.

(I’m hazy on how old I was in the dream.)

When I sat down and started to eat, he stopped what he was doing, got my attention telling me he long had something to say to me :

“Hey man, I’ve been wanting to tell you this – what you’ve written, what you say about pushups, doing them daily as a daily positive action – I wanted you to know how much it’s helped me. While I still smoke weed, I’ve started using it less often, and expect eventually I’ll decide to quit. I’m building myself up with the daily action of positive pushups you suggest, I wouldn’t have come up with that. Thank you. I felt the need to let you know your words, even though you wouldn’t know otherwise, you didn’t know I read your material, have helped me.”

I dreamt a troubled young man found helpful positive value, applying them to his self improvement, and thanked me for my writings which were the spark that lit his flame of positive action.

Whatever the strange carrier, however unexpected, there is no doubt in my mind that God and the universe sent me this dream as a message.

Persistence & Tenacity