2/3/23 Journaling –

Interesting to reread what I’d written here around new year’s.

I didn’t have much appetite when I started as a mover, but now delivering houses and clean & pressing my 32kg kettlebell I’ve developed quite the appetite.

In a week of using the kettlebell I’ve seen an improvement in my biceps, shoulder girdle, and my midsection is both a bit thicker, and a tad leaner.

Lots of mini sessions, part time labor, and eating freely of good food is working nicely.


•cheese stick
5, 5


Work :

Near the load location we saw a woman out for a run in today’s ~5°f. I always think it cool people outdoors exercising in all weather.

only accurate in representation by being a woman running in the winter – we saw a rather petite woman of 65+ EXTREMELY BUNDLED UP running on asphalt

The driver and I discussed this near the end of the day. Plenty of runners outside in winter, but I’m they only one who lifts outdoors – I’d love to have a group participating.

Being outdoors forces me out of the coddled gym mindset, and some it is just “you do what you have to” – so many in a gym would flip at the idea of wearing little black winter gloves during power cleans.

About 5 hours, three hours truck time, a dozen or so big but mostly light pieces from the manufacturer’s loading dock to a fancy rural log cabin renovation with a stupidly curvy driveway (glad I didn’t have to back the truck), and to our collective joy an uneven and terribly icy walkway

griping aside it was overall pretty easy, a dozen item’s walked 50′, just really cold while being careful of our footing

in the truck by noon I was ravenous

•~8oz honey roasted peanuts, snacked on throughout truck time, this is a hands free snack, I pour the bottle directly into my mouth

as soon as I get home, I’m not even going to the grocery store, I’m going straight home to cook tortellini to eat that and steak

it’s really good that I have an appetite to go with the desire to lift

during the drive back I got real close to the necessary yes to join the powerlifting gym

I’ve been looking the high load put on the body by the kettlebell, and was realizing how front squat partials and the yoke walk would get me there – the build muscle AND lose fat stimuli I’ve been getting with the kettlebell

I could get to 308 and leaner than I am now, that on the path to a RIPPED 235-255lbs

typed in company parking lot as my car warmed up


•20oz cream soda
•the entire 16oz tortellini
•strawberry milk


Long Nap

was just oddly exhausted, I think this was due to being in the deep cold


Lift :

Two Hand Swings

no joke it’s about -5°f out now, with bigs gusts of wind – I pointedly was outside real minimally, just that one quick set

could’ve done this before eating five hours ago, that would’ve been in line with the “lift immediately after work” that I’ve done in the past, but even with hours between it’s not hard for me to get myself to the gym (even when it’s truly cold at my little outdoor spot)

I’ve found that I rather enjoy the kb clean and mismatched c&p both every rep style ala the Sig Klein Challenge or as rep outs pressing off one clean.

Funny that I bought the kb to yes do that, but also to swing – I have not worked the swing yet.

That’ll be another step, I still am debating another purchase, a barbell and bumpers from titan.


Dinner :

•big bowl of chicken stew which has chickpeas, barley, carrots, onion, and celery in it
•two slices buttered sourdough toast
•12oz ginger beer




It’s rather funny how much gym stuff is just simulating manual labor.

manual labor? (honestly I’d compete here – barefoot strongman competition – sign me up)


Still hungry.

I look a bit leaner, and know how to embrace the path – nutritious food, positive expectations, and, right now, the kettlebell

I’m about to eat and do pushups.


•~3oz peanuts
•strawberry milk


Persistence & Tenacity