11/27/23 – Thinking Bout 203lb Kettlebells :

My calves are staying sore from day to day.
It’s the kettlebell, for whatever reason they fire harder, extend more on kettlebell variants than they do with the barbell cleans.

It is what it is.

Last night I found a rather fun approach.
I set a timer for 20:00, tried to only nose breathe, and settled into doing the reps, singles alternating hands with rather precise pressing form, as explosive a press as possible every rep.

Once I hit 21/side, I stopped. It was at just shy of 17:00, and switched from the 32kg bell I’d been using for a good set of 5 reps each side with the 40kg bell.

Then I did x3/side front squats with the 32kg again.

It was a great session.
Since I’ve the time, frankly I may do such things twice a day, get real bulgarian with this one bell stuff, real focused on powerful reps.

Last night’s pushups, well my triceps – I knew they were there, and it was a different soreness/activation than when I barbell press well earlier in the day.

I really like the kettlebell, but to do it all out, part of me thinks I’d have to spend a few grand in double bells.

40kg just isn’t so heavy, nor is 48kg (which I’m thinking to purchase in double bell round spring – milking this 40kg single bell til then, letting tendons & ligaments strengthen with the 40kg though I can snatch, probably press a 48kg RIGHT NOW).


That was a difficult session, went into it just very tired.

It’s one of those times a warm up would’ve helped, and last night a bunch of 32kg clean and press singles made x5/side with the 40kg not that challenging.

On a good note I’m good to press the 40kg for 5 reps, either side, at any given time.

I’ll probably do another session later, but for now I feel like I could fall asleep (I could), and I smell like I just cooked (I did).

A big ole, you know the lowest price point was $6/lb for steak, I got whatever wasn’t london broil as I do when they’re both at that price point.

First I cooked it to around medium, then I poured in a frozen section box of fried rice, had added extra frozen chicken breast strips to it.

I ate maybe a third of that fried rice mix, with around⅓lb of steak.

Cracked nine eggs into the remaining portion of fried rice, that’s no longer rice consistency really – but egg first.

I’ll eat off that mix and a little bit of the remaining steak in a moment.

All in all, I’ll have like ¾lb steak, 4½ eggs, and a portion of the fried rice left for later/tomorrow.

$9 for 1½lb steak, eggs went up in price – now like $3/dozen – they’ve gone up in price twice this month, so the pound and a half of steak, 18ct eggs, that’s up to almost $14 for a day of all out keto power diet.

I ate fairly expensively today, what with frozen chicken breast strips instead of cooking from scratch, the fried rice ditto, steak, etc.

Whatever, good food in me – tomorrow I’ll be strong.

A day where the weights are heavy doesn’t really ever last more than one day in a row.

If I have to I’ll just do some light barbell, but was thinking race to 50 press reps with the 185lb barbell.


Or maybe it’s gonna be a bunch of kettlebell cleans, some presses.

I LOVE how my lats feel right now.

Just like the bicep soreness, I’d attribute this to the drop from shoulder back down on the kettlebell clean.


Ate some chicken tenders and french bread as a soon after, small, dinner.

Some milk and cookies an hour after that.

I realized that today I hydrated mostly with cans of iced tea, some milk, very little water. Shrugs.


I’m gonna have to open a small personal training facility, have like 4-6 clients a day, and THEN purchase the whole slew, the whole lineup of double bells.

I want to be able to high rep two bell clean and press up to the 203lbers.

The pair of 203s are within the realm of human capability!