11/26/23 – 5 Days With The 40kg Kettlebell :

I genuinely don’t understand people using kettlebells indoors.

They’re so easy to take outside.
They require no setup.

The ground being perfectly flat isn’t so necessary as when lifting a barbell.

That’s backyard weightlifting problems for ya…trying to find level (enough) patches to lift on.

Makes me laugh to recall that gym’s owner perturbed to have a little sheet of mental under both sides of the deadlift platform…not perfectly level…bolt it down after all.

I could work with 48kg kettlebells RIGHT NOW.

It’s a struggle to not immediately purchase a pair.

I’m really into kettlebells, it wouldn’t be long to needing a jump AFTER 48kg for press work.

Really it’s a cost saving thing.
I have the barbells, plates, heavy presses will have to be barbell for a while.

I never would’ve expected to become a kettlebell guy, originally thinking them these goofy light things (hey/heck to a degree they still are), but the main problem being I didn’t know how to make them worthwhile.

However, it disgusts me to read people on forums thinking adjustable 12-32kg kettlebells will be enough weight for life.

Am I that strong simply by not being challenged on low reps with the 40kg the second I laid hands on it?

Knowing I’d make the 48kg snatch, be on the line, real close on a strict press.

The Sig Klein challenge is as written a pair of 75lb dumbbells.

The kettlebell people port it to it’s closest kb weight, the 32kgers.

My opinion?
You asked…

Personally, you want to be doing this, the Sig Klein challenge, a two bell jump PAST those, what he wrote – 48kg KBs, 100lb DBs.

He wrote it around 100 years ago, and was a middleweight.

Look at what professional strongmen put overhead, and set yourself some present day heavyweight worthy goals.

Then, keep pushing the reps – think of the 30s that are the grace and isabel wods, think of 50 rep sets.


My calves are sore, that’s what’s been carrying from day to day with the usage of this 40kg kettlebell.

I’m genuinely loving it.

Will I buy a matching bell?
Will I buy a 48kg or a pair?


Was asked “what size shoe do you wear” on an old video.

Replied “huh, what an odd thing to ask on a lifting channel”, and a moment later the comment disappeared.

Then I looked backend, all traces of the comment gone – I’d seen it multiple places.

Interesting. Did they delete it?
Did a foot fetishist feel the need to ask on my video?

Do I have foot fetishist views?
Shrugs, the internet is a strange place.

It seems I’ll never know.
And it does surprise me when people delete their own comments.

Last year, on the rock one arm push/power jerk video, someone commented about it not being that heavy a rock.

I would’ve left it up!

It’s interesting. The comment system is broken on youtube.

Whether I get notifications for comments is random as far as I can tell, sometimes there are ghost replies I can see in one place but not another, I have no idea what distinguishes a comment be held for review vs auto postings as my settings are thoroughly ignored by youtube itself, and that again – whether I get a notification or not.

I try to reply to all, the channel is small enough at this stage – but youtube apparently wants to make it confusing lol.


Three minisessions on this sunday.
The first on camera.

The third actually a full half hour, the idea to do a bunch of alternating arm singles with the 32kg bell on the clean and press trying to only nose breathe.

I did 21/side in just under 17:00, decided to stop the twenty minute block there, switched to the 40kg which I pressed for x5/side (the left is getting stronger very quickly), the did one bell off center front squats with the 32kg for x3/side.

Everything one bell, when it’s a challenging bell, is extremely core intensive.

I feel the intercostals on the upper ribs very much so when I push the presses.

Enough snatches, moreso with a lighter explosive bell, cause the feeling that is the golden age “rib cage expansion”.

I could go with that, do something like a pullover (mace swings would be my choice) and increase that effect.


I was in my own/main account…and for the first time one of my own videos from the channel was recommended to me.

The thanksgiving day video.

I’d considered that a milestone as to “when will it happen”, as frankly I’m making my type of video, why wouldn’t youtube think I want to watch my own content.

Plus+4 subscribers today.

(actually happended twice within about ten minutes…by not clicking I made my own impressions rate go down…the horror lol)
