10/2/20 YouTube Links :

From The Archives :

Awareness Test :

Pay attention.

German Judoka 50 Pullups :

I first came across this at about 15 years old. 50 pullups is damn impressive, be it at 100lbs or 300lbs.

You weigh what you weigh, gotta have calisthenic ability.

Everything is more impressive under fatigue. That’s honest ability, not scientifically peaked for, honest ability.

Леонид Тараненко C&J 266kg :

Leonid Taranenko with the TRUE world record clean & jerk, 585.2lbs.

It can be good to keep your eye on the possibilities of strength, even when your training is not with the same tools.

& A Heavier Near Miss :


He got 588.5lbs overhead momentarily, even in missing – artistic strength.