1/22/21 Gym Dream – “Perfect Programming” At My Own Gym :

I can’t help but laugh, that was quite the gym dream.

I had found, through trial and error, the “perfect programming”, and had opened a large facility halfway between warehouse and commercial gym where I taught it.

There I was massively successful getting athletes from the college to professional level.

I woke up briefly conscious of what I had dreamt, even recalling the minute details of this holy grail like programming, oft searched for by those who care little for actually training.

I fell back asleep, into the same dream. However, upon waking for the day I retained little of the exact details (the horror, I had not scribbled it down while more asleep than awake), the gist being somewhere around 80% of lifting being done on machines, using precise slow tempo, for muscle building/bodybuilding purposes, and 20% of training being barbell, particularly weightlifting, and strongman implements, which got more emphasis than the barbell.

80% bodybuilding, 20% converting all the built muscle to useable strength and power.

Ahh, I flashed back to axle cleans in real life, and struggle to recall if throughout the dream a single rep of bench press was done.

I do recall on the spot doing high rep heavy log pressing, proving a point about what I, and by extension my trainees, were capable of on a silly 225lb reps test with a twig to some scout or another.

I ranted and raved about the glories of pressing with real implements vs twigs, saying how everything (not just pressing) with a twig can be more better done with an axle or another implement.

That’s how I started recalling real life axle cleans, and really came to the realization I was dreaming, it was lucid dreaming from at least that point on if not before.

There was a clear emphasis on leg work, and pulling. Which even without all the minute details is the way of significant strength.