Tire Flipping Specific Adaption

Any decently strong man should have no issue flipping any tire they have access to.

I repeat : the tire isn’t big enough that you can’t flip it.

Specificity : I’ve found it matters and effects my ability to flip tyres something fierce.

Well two weeks of specific adaption later has me flipping the gym’s bigger one almost explosively (it may qualify as explosive), and for reps if I feel like switching sides back and forth.

(Space issue, sometimes you can flip it a ways, sometimes only back and forth.)

I imagine in another week or two I’ll practically be getting it over caber toss style.

Looking roughly like this, but with a tire.

At this point it’s like an ugly Yate’s row with a regrip or two depending on if it needs a bit more height before being pushed over or not.

It’s terribly easy at this point and people are still making a big deal of it.

Paraphrased :

“I’m going to flip the tire.”
“If you can flip the tire.”
“Why does everyone here make a big deal over flipping this tire?”
…I flip the tire…
“Well I guess you can flip the tire.”

Yeah, that conversation happened.

Perspective. My high school having a bigger one gave me some.
