The Ultimate Strength Accomplishment For Me

The ultimate strength accomplishment for me would be to put 500lbs overhead from the floor.

No coaching.

All the shit that’s been stacked against me.

That is my ultimate test with a barbell.

I’d likely have to taper in technique, not just barbarian style brute force method. I know I will power (ish) clean and jerk 405.

405. Done deal. Mentally.

500 is the test. A part of me wanted to say continental & jerk.  To clean makes it more challenging, continental is the epitome of brute force, it’d be too easy that way.

Who cares that I currently lift weights on frozen dirt. No bumpers. Etcetera.

I’m big & strong. Viking (or Highlander) blood. Ugly circumstance. Bring. It. On.

500 clean & jerk. That’s the ultimate test. Brute force blended with pretty form.

405 is a done deal. I’m strong enough. It’s only a matter of time. Will it be in the yard this year? At the bodybuilding gym in SoCal? Elsewhere? 405 is a done deal. I’m strong enough. It’s only a matter of time.

Persistence & Tenacity