September 2022 – Late Night Friday Night Thinking On Vices

Television has no draw to me, and I’ve noted that when I participate in that spectation that I’m more likely to participate in what had been my problem vice – porn.

A day ran right doesn’t include time to watch garbage, it only has time to do.

Long hours at a dead end job can be a gift.

You have to approach it right.
Use your current circumstances, milk them for all it’s worth.

It forces you to either waste time, oversleeping, under living, and having a cry about it, or…

It forces you to live with purpose and structure.


Every day I am doing PT and lifting.
I HAVE TO do my daily PT and lift.

It may be highly condensed, but each day I am able to say that I pressed, squatted (lifting), did pushups, neck bridge, and deep knee bends (PT).

Swing that tree branch (mace) after work.

Just this morning, I, no shit, did a 3+3 press and squat “York Barbell Complex” ;

Had to. Couldn’t not.
It was gonna happen.

Then I go to work 12 hours of food prep and line cooking.

Or not at that job – I’m lifting close to dinner time, going to the store to buy dinner, come home, cook dinner, eat something nutritious that I just made.

I’ve been taking pride in cooking meals lately.

Looking more jacked.
Looking leaner.

I’m not eating “clean”, but it’s going that direction, while in the moment it’s “feed the beast” with enough nutrition on a very varied daily calorie intake.

The large quantity of milk I drink in the evening has been earned, and cause I’m drinking it while so wiped out…that cold glass of god’s gift to mankind in fluid of bovine’s form is FAR MORE refreshing than in general.

I don’t know what’s next.
I’m having a hard time seeing past right now, having a hard time envisioning something better to come…SO I’M ENJOYING THIS MINUTE! THIS SECOND!

Living in the moment.

Getting into it with a smile.
Singing with the food prep guy to Hatebreed, country, and the women manager’s chagrin.
Wait staff goes “whoo” kinda loud?
I “Ric Flair” back! WHOO!
Not participating in bullshit.
Taking this job for what it is – being paid for 40 hours on my feet with half the week free.
Hitting my daily lift. Doing my daily PT.

Persistence & Tenacity

I’ve got this down PAT