September 2022 – In The Spirit Of Two A Days – Clean & Press EVERYDAY :

For a couple days in a row now I’ve pressed both before and after work.

Lazy two a days, one set, no warmup, just getting in a good set each time.

At one gym I went to there was an 185lb yoke – I’d press it on the way in and out.

The current isn’t without precedence.

With whatever the bar is currently loaded to, it’s nothing to simply press a set multiple times throughout the day.

And we all know that I generally get my best results with high frequency – because that’s what I buy into most.

Right now every set is in PR territory.

If I’m not mad unhappy and burnt out [or lacking a gym membership :)- ] I’m lifting daily, multiple sessions when simple logistically and/or the mood strikes.

A chance urge as I drove home from work kinda early the other day saw me press twice.

Leaving the bar loaded, ie no warmups, bypasses my stressing setup/breakdown.

I’m wholly in useable strength this way too.

Days on work a set on the way out the door, a set upon arriving home.

I could go back to moving in addition to the kitchen.

Days off work – probably 5 sets twice a day, give myself a good gap between sessions, and get some clean volume in on one or both.

With the c&p at present I am not ready to rejoin a gym…though one that has stones?

That could happen anywhere from November to January.

It’d be a good spot for making lifting youtube content.

Without content creation, I’m pretty content as far as lifting to just keep pressing, pressing, pressing as I am now.

I’m digging the military press, and with the oddity of how I train – my quads are getting larger.

with zero leg work lol

something about leg work

Somehow this is happening from driving the bar into the sky to shoulder it from the dead hang or via the higher momentum uglier heave.

Heaving the bar is different than any form of clean. There are various degrees of prettiness to the cleans as well.

You can yank the bar from the floor.
You can slowly leg press it to around knee height then explode with or without the pause there.
A bunch of manners to shoulder the bar.

I know that a c&p focus is a godsend for trap and shoulder development.

I actually can not tell you why I am doing this, this madness of c&p right now past an explanation of because.

Why do this?

It sets me up for life better.

I approach the world better having done my lifting, than had I not.

#1 reason to exercise right there

At work today (9/11/22) I was in the best of moods, call outs/staffing issues meant I was solitary at my station a good part of the time – the manager would check, realize I had it handled, and well, the shift just went smoothly (in my little slice of line cooking, not necessarily for the entire kitchen)

I was telling the fit, kinda into the gym, manager that lifting before work, while new for me, makes all the difference.

Not stressing anything right now, I pressed today, I’ll be pressing tomorrow, and you know what?

Today I’d woken up from dreaming about handstand pushups.

Persistence & Tenacity

blake shelton – honey bee