This Is Why I Say Fuck Lifting Programs : Yesterday’s Snatch Session

I am by no means a great weightlifter/olympic lifter. I’m simply better than most at it, especially considering the average gym crowd.

I know I have never snatched 225.

It’s possible I’ve hit 215, but I’m uncertain of it. (There’s no video of it, and I don’t maintain a logbook, YouTube functioning as a sort of “cool shit that happened” logbook.)

I know I’ve been capable of 205 since capturing it on video (March 6 based on upload date), and relatively consistently at that.

(That rep, my first at 205.)

11/15/17 ~0600-0635 I pulled it 30+ times in a similar number of minutes only missing 2 or 3 times. One of those fails had so much velocity I lost it behind me, a manner of olympic lift failure I’ve never had happen before, that would’ve been a PR rep had there been more weight on the bar.

This is why I say fuck programs, as no percentage based program would allow me to hit 30+ singles with either 95% or 100% of my known max in one session. (And yes I’d failed a couple attempts at 225 before going totally fucking psycho with 205.)

It was a fun lift. I got to bounce around blaring music, predator stare and stalk the bar, keep hitting reps, and take the utmost care that I didn’t take out a not paying attention group fitness class bystander. (I actually faced opposite the normal manner on the platform for such reasons especially after the 100mph throw over my head unintentionally rep.)

I’d wait for a gap in group class participants to finish walking around/across the platform, hit it again, and so on and so forth really until I started losing pop which was well into the 30ish, likely 35-40 attempt area. I was pulling faster than every minute on the minute for at least 15 minutes, and then about EMOM for another 15-20.

This my friends can be defined as a solid ass session, and is as I’ve said reason #10783948735 that you shouldn’t be so wed to a program. Guidelines are far more likely to allow cool shit to happen.
