Priming Your Muscles For Superior Performance

There is tremendous value in keeping your body,and your muscles primed. By doing so you allow yourself to always be good to go,to be able to constantly perform, and even do so under adverse circumstances.

Now in the past my best squat gains came from daily squatting. However it’s been almost a year since I did that protocol for around 7 months without missing a day.

I decided that as long as I have gym access (iffy, I’m in a tight spot financially) that I’ll start squatting everyday again, and with the intention of building some leg size also do reps on either the leg press or back squat more sessions than not in addition to the low rep squat work.

There’s a feeling of being primed,of the muscle in question feeling “solid” when trained frequently. In the legs this is a feeling of being planted in the ground, immovable.

This feeling consists of a mild soreness, but also grants far higher muscle activation.

You’ll have to play around with protocol, but I can tell you this; when you’ve found the proper daily workload the activation from the frequent work will far outweigh the effects of the mild soreness.

In fact it’s a different kind of soreness, I find that it actually makes me feel better,that it makes me feel stronger. Obviously this is far from the I can’t walk soreness that many urge you to train yourself into.

This is really part of the core of my lifting philosophy. Train yourself to always “be up” physically. This does however require high frequency. If you can’t make it to the gym do bodyweight work to keep the training streak going. It’s like how John Broz says to squat with an empty bar if you have to, that the stimulus (no matter how ridiculously easy) still helps with the adaption process.

What I’m trying to get you to do is even described by Broz when he says that his lifters don’t do mobility, and barely warmup ….wait for it….. because they are already these things from all the lifting they do.

Sadly this experience is not common in most gyms.

I want you to push your limits,and discover that you are not meant to be a soft little pudgy bitch, but actually intended to be big strong vigorous and rugged.

When you understand being primed like I’m advocating for you’ll be far closer to the latter than the former. You can thank me for your gains in awesomeness later, I’ll be squatting most likely when you do.



P.S. I feel dirty having thrown that # in.