Persistence & Tenacity YouTube In Review : October 2019

This month the P&T YouTube channel wasn’t completely inactive.

In addition to some website writing
I did throw up three videos, two talk videos, and to my surprise an exercise video.

Quite frankly I hadn’t expected to film at planet fitness any time soon, initially thinking the Sig Klein challenge the only thing worth filming in a place of machines and dumbbells no heavier than 75lbs.

Feeling strong however I took video as I expected to accomplish something I’d never actually done before, a head to ground handstand pushup. I surprised myself with the newfound ability especially considering I’m getting bigger.

Machine shoulder pressing had carried over.

As is often my case I find I can do new physical tricks by accident not having purposefully trained for them.

I have precedence in this, first with one arm pushups, then an ugly muscle up, a standing ab wheel rollout, and now in addition the handstand pushup.

If you missed them as you’re not yet subscribed to my oft neglected but not dead channel, or you’ve seen them and are reading the site (watch them again then anyway) here they are :

Expanding The Postworkout Anabolic Window & 2 Simple Dietary Implementations :

The #1 Piece Of Advice For The Newbie Lifter :

Handstand Pushup @ 262lb/~120kg : My First Rep Ever :

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