Perception : On Frequent Squatting

I’ve always been more of a “leg lad™” than a bench bro, maybe that’s why leg day, full body training, and/or Bulgarian squatting never bothered me.

I liked training legs, I count the deadlift as working them, and find leg work to be the most bang for your buck among exercises per chunk of training time.

I noticed a correlation between bigger deadlift and more sprint speed. With stronger legs and hips I became more athletic.

Okay, frequent squatting :

Most view such things as insane, something you can’t possibly recover from. I’ll admit I’m likely far more willing than most to run myself into the ground, and get a (likely bizzare) satisfaction about pushing myself under adverse circumstances. Hell, it feels good (at least to me) when everyone else’s response to my training is how they “couldn’t do that”.

(Pinnacle anecdote off the top of my head was while working labor doing a 3 month squat every day phase, pulling an all nighter and jump squatting 405 at about 5am the day after a long ass shift, as the 2nd of 3 sessions in the 24 hours immediately following the long shift.)

Be advised :

It doesn’t take long to work up to lifetime PRs or near them on a daily basis.

3 weeks.

If you’re not getting to ~90%+ 1rm as your “daily max” within 3 weeks you’re likely either already at a massive powerlifter style wide stance squat, you’re purposely easing in slow, that or your issue is a matter of effort…lacking effort.

2 things :

1. Why can’t you be part of the elite?
2. Oly lifters squat massive amounts daily.

Squatting more like a weightlifter is far more conductive to frequency than wide at least as I’ve found so far. You may tread differently.

Get a little crazy, after all that’s what the gym is for. Substitute Caveman Activity!

Written out of disgust at some recent article by a CSCS certified trainer making a big deal out of his month of daily squatting.

It’s fucking squats not trench warfare. You’re participating in a hobby, it ain’t hard.

Like that old time strength writer said after while being in his 70s and having just 20 rep squatted an NFL player into the dirt…”Squats? Squats are easy.”

