Outdoor Lifting

The gym in question.

I think it’s a shame more gyms don’t have outdoor areas, or that there are not more public outoor lifting areas like the internet famous one in the Ukraine.

Clickbait LOL, same gym.

Hell even bars being more widespread would be nice.

(The LA park I’ve done pullups and dips at had a pretty cool bar workout inspired culture, a bunch of guys,some girls, some kids all doing pushups, dips, pullups, lunges, broad jumps, together. Amazingly friendly and polite.

It was here that myself and this rather jacked Armenian?Arab?Hispanic? guy did a one arm pushup off, laughing and shaking hands with a tie at around 20 reps each. Him looking at me and saying something like “Dude, I underestimated you, I began to think I was going to lose this”. That’s the story of my life when it comes to physical things.)

Clickbait #2 lol, still the same gym.

Personally I love training outdoors even in shitty weather more so than being in an air conditioned/heated fluorescent light lit gym.

The main selling point on gym membership for me purely is more equipment.

If you (or I) were to open a place, put it outside, and stock it with all the same shit, I’d be there in a heartbeat. (Imagine that Ukrainian gym but with known weights…heaven, and yes I’d use it in the winter, see below.)

Aside fromĀ  all the exercising outdoors (I’m talking purely lifting with a barbell), I have fond memories of doing things people find insane like doing power cleans in the back yard while it’s snowing, on slightly uneven frozen ground, below freezing out, wearing work boots, shorts, a muscle shirt (not beater, but sleeveless), and those little black winter gloves.

There’s something about the fresh air. It’s just more invigorating, and when doing such things you know you’re doing something uncommon.

(I’ve been tempted to take photos and publish a collection of “gyms” I’ve worked out at under various circumstances, that Colorado rest stop at around 5 am, that tree at a McDonalds in Pennsylvania, the hill in McMansionville North Carolina, the beach, home bathroom, I could go on.)

It feels like tonight will be not a gym day, but a “I’m going to go out in the yard and improvise” kinda night. I’ve already done a few mini sessions throughout the day so far, ab wheel, kettlebell, isometrics, very high rep cheat pushups.

Didn’t want to write today, the streak is still alive.

Until tomorrow,
