November 2022 Flow – 11/29/22 – “I Overhead Pressed 10×185 Today” :

I prefer sldl to conventional, and with this setup I’m not really going to pull sumo, which I never used much anyway.

An axle is preferable to a barbell for everything, though with pulls it should all be double overhand anyway.

Boiled down I’d make the same argument for straps as for double overhand – you’re not in a powerlifting meet, you’re training.

So mostly don’t mix grip whatever your approach.

My preference is to skip warmups.
Personally I don’t much need them.
Occasionally I’ll purposely use them, but it’s not my regular manner of doing things.

Today I pressed 10×185, a PR, on the first set.

As far as labor, I’d be happier than a pig in shit throwing hay bales.

fun as hell + man’s work

The question is what path do I take out of the kitchen.

I like lifting, wrestling, being physical, and outdoor barbell has been far better than indoor lifting.

I don’t much like working indoors, though I’d like to try bartending (moreso than waiting tables), and sales would likely be the best pay outside of making something happen self employed.

My problem is wants, not musts, not needs.

Personal training out of a barn would be an enjoyable blending of many worlds for me.


A plus to gyms is all the available equipment – you can hit many angles.

A quick, little equipment, full body session covering enough angles is power clean & press plus walking lunges.

I’ve started to press a little more volume, a little heavier, add in some minimal volume deadlift variation, and some walking lunges.

It bugs me to only lift half the days each week.


I prefer pulling snatch grip to regular on the sldls I’m doing, but it’s worth doing both, as well as an occasional conventional (usually regular grip) for the full body tension effects.

Funny to prefer snatch grip deadlift variations, but never power snatch – just lots of presses off a power clean.


When you honestly approach deadlifting, you get to reasonable pretty quickly.

I’ve been tacking on an sldl set of 10 or so at the end of each lift’s barbell time, and genuinely know it’s not a long time to 30 x the 300lb weight set (probably conventional).

From there I can start looking for double overhand 10s adding weight.

I have 500 available lbs. I can get to the strongest around without ever buying another piece of equipment or ever stepping foot into a gym again.

Freeing this notion.

I like the outdoor lifting sessions.

As dictator of earth I’d have proper height pullup bars, proper height dip bars, and lifting platforms everywhere for the good of the proletariat.

Fitness trails and parks are far too few, and crummy, when found in real life.

As dictator of earth I’d remedy this.

And have (mandatory) “optional” 0500 burpee PT for the health of the people and glory of the nation.

Prowler sprints for many too.


I miss concept2 rowing machines.

the woman in front is that happy since she’s on a concept2 erg

$1045 shipped to the continental us – they’re awesome big man cardio.


The “dip odyssey” is a far cry from the “press outdoors” of this period, and both work.

There’s a commonality…

“Effective training comes from passionate effort. You use passionate effort when the training method feels right. Design your own program, those always feel right.” – me

Persistence & Tenacity