May 2023 – Kept The Kettlebell Snatch & Burpee Habit Daily/Had Slept Riding Passenger In The Work Truck :

My cousin’s girl is a bank teller, I drew her window when I walked in to deposit my check.

Hadn’t seen him in two years, until a little over a month back, joked to her it’ll be another two years, and we agreed that comment needs to/will make it’s way to him through her.

She asked me about my work, and told me he’s thinking of joining the local powerlifting gym option.

Me? I’m still not in the headspace to go there.

And I thought to myself how he could’ve been training in his apartment parking lot, smashing burpees this entire time, the 2 4 6+ years he’s “wanted to” get in shape and yet exercised little more than zero times.

Dudes a giant, maybe he’ll go deep into powerlifting, and from there transition to strongman (he has the frame for it), personally I’d like to see him pare down to lean and mean with burpees.

Can’t do it for him though!


I’m about to shower the grime of work off.
There was a small chance I brushed poison ivy today – all this overgrown shit alongside the truck in the shitty urban spot we were at today.

Only way to fit the truck in the lot, and well the ramps are stored on the side.

So I’ll shower, really douse myself in irish spring, and then hit the burpees and kettlebell snatches.


To my surprise I dozed in the truck on the ride back, the driver shaking my shoulder and waking me after I’d been out for about five minutes, having taken ten minutes of in and out for seconds at a time before that to truly fall asleep.

Apparently I had fallen asleep, and was leaning a whole lot into the other helper, crushing him against the door – oddly it was the driver who decided to wake me, and not him.

I found this funny – that the driver took pity on him, that he didn’t just wake me himself.

As far as sleeping in the truck – I hadn’t done so in years, last in 2019 on an interstate delivery, before that in 2017 on a two and a half or three hour away ride.

I fell asleep in class once for a moment in 8th grade (answering the teacher’s gotcha question correctly to her chagrin – I knew my us history), these few times as a mover’s helper and always on the ride back.

Fasting. Working.
Working out. Feasting.

Felt good to get to that point.


I was dreaming. They weren’t nightmares.
In the dream I heard the radio that I’d heard earlier while awake. I smelt the cigarette smoke of the other two in the cab, conscious of it while asleep.

I don’t remember dream details other than a mostly white background, and a sense of happiness/contentment.

When he started to shake my shoulder I hit a middle stage of totally lost, still half asleep, then fully came awake for a moment (a second) not knowing where I was – odd for me to wake that way.

However I did feel amazingly refreshed from the five minutes.


I’ve been going without shaving, no trim, doing this for six weeks before shaping it, establishing the line.

A long wait til shaping it up.
While this time the “bumminess” isn’t bugging me as it always had in the past.


I’d been stupid hungry on the ninety minute ride to location, found a package of honey roasted peanuts in my bag – had forgotten that I had them in there, while they are a much better “I need food” option than clif bars.


I wrote the above around dinner time before going to bed, and sleeping moreso than napping til close to midnight, an alarm set to eat/do pushups (technically again)/not sleep the night through.

I think of this as “split sleep”, and it’s felt good the past few nights – sleep about two hours, get up, pushups, eat, go back to sleep for four to six hours.

I almost skipped the kettlebell snatches and burpees, was looking at the clock, 1148pm, pulled on a hoodie, slid on shoes, and went outside for three reps.

3 burpees
3 sn left + 3 sn right w/16kg
Kept the daily aspect truly daily still.

With the kettlebell snatch and burpees there is no excuse. Not when I’m around the house and have access, and not if I drive somewhere as the kettlebell easily fits in the car.

Hell, I’d even bring my bell on an interstate if I was to go on one anytime soon.

When you say you’re doing something. Do it.

My excuse threshold is far harder to activate than most.

I’d written of my cousin. He’s “looking into” the powerlifting gym, he’s a fucking giant fat boy – been not exercising for years of “wanting to get in shape”…

I’m not okay with where I’m at.
No excuse tonight to not get in something minimal.

Always doing something on the path is how you get there.
It makes zero sense to not kettlebell snatch and burpee daily.

Persistence & Tenacity