May 2023 Flow – “Bench Press In The Front Yard & Benching In The Rain” :

“Yeah the thing is ; after this I’m going to go home and lift.”
“In this?!?!?”
“Yeah, though instead of barbell it’s going to be kettlebell.”
“You’re crazy. Lifting outside in the rain.”
“It’s been a year and a half of lifting outside for me. Rain. Snow. It’s no longer a consideration to me.”

It’s been raining today, at times an absolute downpour. I’ll lift after work.

this is roughly what today’s post entails

I like lifting, so I do.
Look at it this way ; lifting weights is simulating the hard work we don’t get in the modern world – hard work has generally been outside in human history – hop, skip, and a jump…I’ve rationalized my outdoor lifting in any and all weather.


My skullcap went on an interstate delivery…without me.

I’m hoping to get it back in a few days.
It is after all my stretched out for putting over headphones and lifting skullcap.

I’m not listening to music while lifting without it…which might be a good thing 🙂


I lied.

When I got home I dug out the rickety bench.

Caffeine in me – I’m going to amrap 205lbs.
Front yard benching, ghetto stereotype.

Though I’m maybe the redneck version..

and benching in the rain!

Which I’m sure is quite the show to all who saw me doing this, while upon reflection I should’ve sang additionally.


Got 20 reps on the first set benching 205lbs on this rickety setup.

Not far from 20x225lbs for a combine score.


I think I’ll bench once or twice a week for a time, keep the weight at around 205lbs, and aim for 50+ reps at the weight.

~50×225 is an nfl combine record, and I see no season I couldn’t be ballpark this strong and enduring.

Everyone should look at college football and the nfl and think “I’ll be similar to that in ability”, weight room, being able to sprint well, not being fat, etc.

Pursuing 50×205 ; I’m pretty sure this’ll hypertrophy my upper body, push top end strength up some, while most importantly building a big base to build strength off of.

There’s nothing wrong with just doing everything for high reps, getting strong at them, and having no idea what your one rep maxes are.


About two hours later I did a brief kettlebell minisession.

It’s sprint stimulus. I expect my wind to improve, and to get lean as I continue the kettlebell path.


Most of my kettlebell minisessions truly are minisessions – playing around with the 16kg bell, getting a pump, getting my heart rate up…and being done in around 5:00 – go do something else.

With just a couple weeks of these I feel more solid, athletic, see my wind improving, and realize certain aesthetics are improving with it in addition to the performance increases.

There is no protocol to what exactly I do in a minisession – I just go til it feels right, playing with whatever I come up with in the moment, pointedly trying for stuff as I do it.

I’ve been digging ;
•catch high at crotch immediately into a high hang snatch
•a few snatches ripping the bell down

Then either set the bell down, or toss the bell to the other hand and repeat.

It’s a kettlebell, get creative with it.

singing in the rain