March 2024 – Thoughts On The BUC&P :

By definition the kettlebell community generally means when they say “press” pressing away off of one shouldering of the bell, one press to many presses.

By definition the kettlebell community generally means when they say “clean & press” to mean clean, press, clean, press, clean, press, etc as the way the set is conducted.

Bottoms up is bottoms up work.

A bottoms up press is anywhere from one press to many presses using the above definitions.

A bottoms up clean is just cleaning in the bottoms up position.

Bottoms up clean and bottoms up press is long winded and using the above definition of clean and press.

I’d shorten it to bottoms up clean and press, then acronym it down to “buc&p”.

That’s been my main movement for the past week or so, the buc&p.

It’s like I bastardized long cycle from girevoy down to the most hardstyle overhead variant, but in more of a girevoy style of exercise and then again ; yet with one bell.

Made it my own. 😁


and now you’re distracted


Mostly I’ve done the buc&p with the 16kg bell, matching reps each side from left to right.

Already I’m making PRs with the right hand and the 32kg bell.

I’m convinced that the way you’d maximize a light bell is to get REALLY GOOD at the buc&p, taking the reps to the stratosphere, then just doing some other kb movements on occasion (up to tons of front squats, some turkish get ups, which could be bu tgu (that being what I’ve found to be the hardest bottoms up movement)).


This is about my 5th time writing this now.

Following the paragraph preceding the page break dots, I too am convinced that if one started at a bell, a really light bell even, kettlebell training mostly high rep buc&p, the buc&p the main movement…

(some other heavier stuff allowed on occasion but light buc&p the main movement and large bulk of training/practice)

Given a long, slow progression within +/- 10 years anyone could be easily bottoms up pressing a 48kg.

Imagine taking a young man at age 12 or so, maybe even as young as 7yo, giving him a 4kg bell (lighter if necessary), expecting 25-100 reps/side buc&p daily, never straining, then YEARLY just upped it 4kg – a half bell jump.

Year 1 : 4kg
Year 2 : 8kg
Year 3 : 12kg
Year 4 : 16kg
Year 5 : 20kg
Year 6 : 24kg
Year 7 : 28kg
Year 8 : 32kg
Year 9 : 36kg
Year 10 : 40kg
Year 11 : 44kg
Year 12 : 48kg

This entire time never straining, never failing a rep, but developing a crazy gas tank from millions of reps of c&p, insane upper back, shoulder, and forearm development (not to mention serious glute and hamstring development) and entering that kid off to college or the military himself already a unit…

I’m under the impression this sort of thing was how the orphan became the circus strongman in a different day and age.


As said above mostly, and done off camera, I’ve just been doing lots of buc&p reps at 16kg.

The above progression (on a sped up time frame assuming bell purchases I’ve yet to make) in mind.

I’m already using barely moderate effort for (8rm was most recent PR – blinded by the wind and sun to boot) 32kg right, but most sessions are feel good sessions, matching reps each side with the 16kg bell.

I’ve already seen some leanness and shoulder gains from this (100+ total reps/side one day was a nice MINISESSION), and in general feel pretty solid.

Partly too I’m doing this having seen an increase in forearm size, this an idea to increase that moreso.

In a few weeks maybe it’ll be with the 20kg, then maybe I’ll put the $$$ into a 24kg & 28kg.

Maybe I’ll train left to 32kg for reps and 32kg right for reps into the stratosphere, or maybe I’ll go all in, just purchase the 36kg, 44kg, and 48kg (in addition to the 24kg and 28kg) and have one bells from 16 to 48 by the 4kg jumps.

Allowing upward movement as fast as possible!

There’s no doubt in my mind as to my being within spitting distance of a 48kg bottoms up press, which I’m under the impression would be a big deal to the kettlebell community.

And the thing is…right now I’m fat, “weak”, and worst of all…out of shape.

I read somewhere that someone said “the kettlebell has a tendency of right sizing you”.

I’m banking on that 😁

Persistence & Tenacity