Mad Eyed Intensity : An Anecdote Of Overcoming A Deadlift Mental Block

“You know I still haven’t decided what I’m training today, it’s the 5th week without a day off, and lately each session has kinda been blending together.”

He walks into the locker room, me towards the weights.

I’m thinking : “Legs? Back? Both?”

“DB rows.” I start to walk over, set my water down, and start the one song playlist. “I’ll go 3×10 with the 100#.”

The one song playlist:

(This song improves my hip power, and makes me more aggressive. It’s scientifically proven.)

“I want to pull too”
Ok, I’ve decided on an improv back day, DB rows followed by deadlifts.

Then it dawns on me…my squat was strong yesterday, I feel strong today.

“Wait, today!” I think to myself walking over to the platform.
“I’m deadlifting first. 495 is going up!”

I haven’t hit a 5 plate pull, aside from a recent Jefferson (3/19/18 no video), in 12-15 months.

(Quite possibly my last 5 plate+ pull…Dated 2/8/17, over 15 months back.)

“Today’s the day!”

1 plate, 2 plate, 3 plate, 4. (Another time I’ll say, 5 plate, 6 plate, 7 plate, MORE!) Singles back to back to back to back. Just enough time to load, and pull.

I load it to 495. “It’s going up today” a forceful self statement.

I chalk up my hands. I’d contemplated straps, but decided “No. Raw means something to me, fuck straps.”

I walk over to the corner, really get into the song…

“If he actin like a bitch then I treat him like a bitch”

Start bouncing like a fighter in his corner, like I did before stepping onto the mat…

War time!

Jog over to the bar, shaking out the arms, mid stride I’m there.

No real set up, just…

  • Grab with the right.
  • Grab with the left.
  • Straighten the arms.
  • Pull!

It’s through the sticking point (knee height).

Mid way though it slows…fucking pull!

“Did I just hitch slightly?”

Push the hips through.

Locked out!

Letting the bar fall to the ground, I do a Ric Flair “Whoo!”.


Was it powerlifting legal? Likely, I don’t think I hitched, it just slowed, not that I give a fuck either way…

I’d just hit my first 495 pull in more than a year!

Ended the session with not 3×10, but 5×10 on the DB rows (amped up! + each arm obviosly), a few sets of light kettlebell swings, and some lying band leg curls.

My training lately? Olys, one arm olys, inclines, and lots of bodybuilding for my legs and back. Not like a powerlifter at all.

Getting stronger is getting stronger.

Getting into the music, the moment, bouncing around, and letting a mad eyed intensity come over me…
