Long Term Physical Goals : Winning In My Way By Breaking EVERY Damn Fitness Rule

My buddy laughs at the absurdity of my statement, then goes “The thing is though, that I know you’re serious.”

What had I said?

I paraphrase : “I will be bigger, stronger, leaner, more explosive and more enduring than EVERYONE, while doing breaking every single “rule”. By in the words of common gym knowledge “overtraining”, eating too much and far too “dirty”.

(It can be fun to talk lifting with a buddy that doesn’t lift, but does calisthenics generally alone and by instinct ie without the paralysis by analysis plaguing gym culture. These convos would be hilarious and hilariously offensive to many if recorded.)

I want to do way too much volume, train around the clock, and get all of the aforementioned while eating loads and dirty.

“It’s a lifetime goal to have a six pack while eating a diet heavy on donuts and soda, but sadly some part of lifting culture HAD to ruin the donuts by making tank tops stating donuts and deadlifts”,

(Donuts and deadlifts…that’s me but without the goofy crossfit culture vibe. I unironically will pull with high frequency and buy a dozen donuts with a frequency scary to most.)

Success By:

  • “overtraining”
  • “bad diet”
  • etc

And why do I say this?

Because my strength always goes up the closer to 3 hours in the gym DAILY I average, and my leanness…

Because my leaness gets better ALWAYS when I’m doing the above and my diet includes an ever increasing amount of cherry pepsi and glazed donuts.

Seriously my leaness seems to be corellated very closely with how much cherry pepsi I drink (though that 21ish hours of mostly back and legs must factor in, the diet is like that because my body BEGS for the calories).

  • You can train far more than EVERYONE will tell you.
  • Dietary murder can be your friend.



Lifting Music: