Light Breathing Overhead Squats & Breathing Presses

When you’ve done as much research on training as me, there’s gonna be a whole lot stored up in your brain.

Stuff you’ve stuck to, stuff you’ve done for short periods, and stuff you’ve yet to try.

Physical fitness is an individual endeavour. No one is going to workout for you, and to be frank, if you’re not willing to do your own programming, writing your own stuff and/or trusting your own instincts for self prescribed programming and/or instinctive spur of the moment training I don’t think you really want to train.

I’ve seen a bunch of big strong people, that for whatever reason, are paying for an internet coach.

My gut always said they’re the ones who if they had to train on their own, no programming from another, no community of powerlifters, without ideal equipment, they’d quit.

I like lifting to be something wholly my own. No programming from another to rely on. It’s mostly solitary, if I had to have training partners I’d miss more sessions than not.

A good training partner has been generally hard to come by, especially when you train high frequency and program whimsically on the fly such as I.

So, whatever training I do is something I come up with or decide to try after hearing about it.

I have a tendency to break programming “rules”. I enjoy doing so. It allows what I do to be my own.

I’ve long known about kettlebells. Girevoy sport is in my eyes better than low rep strength sports, but I’ve never had access to the right kettlebells ie heavy enough in a pair.

I do have a barbell, so I just lifted the philosophy from one implement to another.

I do high reps on barbell movements that are “supposed” to be low rep only.

Which gets me to the point.
All of the barbell work I’m doing right now is high rep presses and high rep overhead squats, basically every set with the empty barbell.

As I said in the post on posture from overhead squats it’s strengthening good posture, and I’ve also realized that the two are leading to a chest expansion effect.

Having pieced that together it dawned on me the other day that I could treat my empty barbell work like “breathing squats” to purposefully heighten this effect.

Let the neighborhood hear my booming breaths. It’s better to embrace my natural loudness.

Let the neighborhood hear my breathing.

Though since it’s so light just take the multiple deep breaths maybe every 10th rep, or as needed instead of between every rep.

Light weights can be used for very big effects.