Lifetime Weightlifting PR Potential

I know that the numbers I’m at are nowhere near my lifetime PRs. I have so much room to grow.

245 power clean and jerk cold at around a quarter to 1am, followed by a 295 front squat, again cold.

My lifetime PRs are 275 and 315, they must be way up to hit 245/295 cold at that time of night…fasted.

Using my ugly form I will power clean and jerk 405.

A video that inspired me back in the day:

I remember watching that in high school, stuck at the time at a 205lb power clean and jerk which would end up taking me years to break past. Yet at 16 while watching the above I said I can do that, with the jerk. The thought never went away over the years.

I know that I’ll hit that and definitely get that 3 lift old school 1000lb total. Shit despite a terrible press I was able to negative the 245 to shoulder this morning under control.

Once I hit that ugly 405 clean and jerk, and I’ll approach some coach and go “teach me”. I know the thought in my head with a 405 terrible form clean and jerk will be “500 with proper form?”, and that would open up some possibilities.

Olympic medal? Career as coach/seminars? Defect to the Arabs and train?

Call me delusional then eat a dick.

Late blooming can suck as there are no scholarships, and lower chances at elite, but you know what? Never say die, and you can overcome.

I’m meant to be a pro athlete, I’ve always taken above average to everything, and had a fucking Rockyesque drive. I will grind for years with seemingly no gains, then boom, it all starts getting much better very quickly.

Get it.

Make enough money to train full time.

Get the place of your own and have the goddamn set up in your living room (because frequency works best), or get to the elite level and defect to Qatar. “Provide me with a pension, a home gym, plenty of dead cow, gallons of milk,and a pretty blue eyed Arab girl, I’ll medal for you” while slamming your fists down on the table and becoming a modern weightlifting Varangian.
