The Labor Job, Personal Trainer, & The Newly Patented Bodybuilding Lifting Partner Employee Formula™

How could you get everyone to do 50+ sets, all for high reps, full body (or nearly so) workouts daily?

It’s an interesting question, one with the potential to make old school bodybuilders out of the general population.

Old school bodybuilders were doing that, and now the only people really getting that kind of volume are outside the the gym working as laborers.

The Labor Job :

Laborers who also go to the gym are guaranteed to be physical specimens.

Eventually lean while muscled to the degree their genetics naturally guide them towards while being stronger than everyone you know.

I intend to always work labor to a degree, the high level of physicality is highly beneficial, spilling over into many areas of life, not just the physical.

I see myself being rich, and keeping woodlands solely to use as my own personal lumberjacking arena. Selling the cords of firewood as an afterthought.

I see myself as owner of a moving company, part of a diverse portfolio, and pulling occasional shifts (say Saturdays) as a laborer (probably undercover boss style).

Neither is for the money, they’re for the activity.

Outside of occupational labor where do you get such high levels of physicality?

It’s not in the gym, or is it?
I’ve come up with an answer…

The Newly Patented Bodybuilding Lifting Partner Employee Formula™ :

For years I’ve joked as an eccentric rich man I’ll pay people as training partners. Want an on time guy… who’s going to follow your split, especially if it’s chaotic and whimsical like mine?

Make him an employee, and when monied enough have him live on the premises 24/7 (or even better nextdoor), like a training camp. On call 24/7. “Wake up, let’s go powerclean! 215am, time to start the day!”

Personal Trainer :

But this isn’t the idea sparking this article, this is :

•Be a personal trainer.
•Work in with all your clients.

Fill your day with 8-12 hours of clients Monday through Saturday, and match every one set for set.

Train them with your philosophies, and be happier than a rather rotund german child circa 1880 with free reign in a candy store as you’re now getting paid to workout all day long while helping to build superior physical specimens.

While you’re at it eat lots of red meat, dairy, and the carbs you stomach best.

(Likely based on ethnicity, Irish eat potatoes, Asians eat rice. You can eat corn too. I say to limit wheat intake, I’ll have 1 pack of ramen each day as the carb base under my burger.)

You can do your high reps in a number of manners, light weight slow and controlled, medium weight at normal speed, as heavy as possible at the rep range, as many reps as possible, one set, multiple sets, it’s all good, use them all, I didn’t even list them all.