Labor Is Not PC : A Coworker As “Arnold Schwarzenegger”

I had a coworker, he’d done some voiceover work in the past, and was wicked good at emulating voices.

He sounded like Arnold Schwarzenegger, at least when he was going for that.

Me being the gym guy, his knowing I go to a planet fitness, and it being a labor environment where masculine topics like women are discussed…

The subject girls, he’d tell me that “this is you talking to girls”, then go into the Arnold voice, with lively arm movement, in the vein of the above commercial, yell “I want to pick you up…and put you down…ON MY CAWK! AND PUT YOU DOWN! ON! MY! CAWK!”

The first time he did this to me I cracked up.

I found it a funny take on me talking to chicks.

Occasionally in the work truck Arnold would come out. I’d hear it all over again.

Interestingly enough it stayed hilarious to me, I didn’t find the repeats made it get old at all. To my knowledge he never did it in front of any other coworker either, it’d only come out when it was just the two of us in the work truck.