June 2022 Flow – Whispering The Secret Of How To Workout :

I’m going to let you in on a secret. You ready? I’ll tell you how to train.

You’ve got a barbell? Good. That allows more variance, though you can be the strongest person you know simply doing thousands of pushups.

Put the barbell on the ground, shoulder it, press it.

Sometimes go a bit lighter and power snatch it.

Sometimes overhead squat it, as many as you can. Reps? From 15-50 is good here.

I like the high rep overhead squat.

If you want to, go heavier, simply pick it up – deadlift.

This is better with snatch grip or as an sldl, conventional and sumo are best as occasional tests, the other variants the better choices for training and muscle building.

To mix it up on occasion do any of the above one handed.

A staggered stance, “b stance” (kickstand), is worth mixing in, particularly on your power snatches both one and two handed.

I too like it with the deadlift.

The old time strongman had it right, just lifting the barbell off the floor every which a way.

And when you don’t have a barbell or any improvised equipment ; the military has it right – dominate the space when you’re on your face.

Everything you could possibly need to train is seen in the blend of old time strongman, girevoy sport, military pt, prison workouts, wrestling, and boxing.

Lift – weightlifting in all rep ranges like you mean it.

Calisthenic – with a passion, lots of reps, even weighted, weight can be anything.

Improvise – with the right mind you often don’t have to workout without equipment, something in the environment can be used.

The tree branch becomes a mace.

That rock a perfect implement for one arm pressing.

All sorts of places to do pullups to be found, used.

Random things to shoulder, stand, attempt to get overhead, like a waterlogged log.

I’ve spun a wok around in my kitchen as a grip exercise before.

And yes, I try to pick up that large piece of railroad track. I do every summer.

I think with my strongman strong buddy it would be done as a two man lift.

Best store for exercise equipment?
Walmart? Dick’s?
Nah, try the hardware store.

A heavy sandbag is civilization’s accessible, great logistics version of a manhood stone.

it is (& this should be an affiliate link)

Persistence & Tenacity