June 2022 Flow – Some Silly? Bulking Tips :

Bowl & Spoon :

I’ve been doing this I was 16 or so, it ties into when I first “got big” eating and lifting…

One step past cereal with a spoon down the bodybuilding rabbit hole…

Trail mix? With a bowl & spoon.
M&Ms? With a bowl & spoon.
Any nut or seed – with bowl & spoon.

(The entire 1lb+ of ground beef with cheese – with bowl & spoon)

Your fingers stay clean, and alongside the bowl you’ve got your glass of milk to drink.
The gallon seated with you at the table.

Walmart sold bags of trail mix for about $7, no clue what the covid price now is as the bag got smaller a couple years ago, inflation is stupid right now, but it was 3500 calories, then something like 3000 calories for the whole bag, $7, easily eaten, no prep involved.

A bag of trail mix the supplementary, though substantial (able to be more than ½) portion of the day’s calories.

Olive Oil :

At 16 years old my mom insisted on whole milk not being in fridge.

I insisted on more calories per glass…

With whey, sometimes soy powder, and whatever not full fat milk it was whether skim or 2%…

I poured in olive oil, stirred, and drank.
Stirred again if it separated, and continued to drink it.

7000+ Calories For Quick Size (& Fatness lol) :

The summer between my junior and senior years of high school I force fed an average of 7200-7500 calories a day.

I gained weight quickly, from 230ish to 253 in ≤½ of summer break.

I ate like this the entire time though.

For breakfast it was frozen breaded chicken, frozen waffles, greek yogurt, and milk not leaving the table until I’d taken in 100g+ protein.

I had lunch at home.

I then had lunch at my aunt’s.

I’d eat a bunch of hostess/little debbie’s/ring dings at my aunt’s , and drink her 1% milk.

I’d then either eat dinner at my aunt’s then have a second dinner of my mom’s cooking at home or I’d eat dinner at home and after dinner eat half a frozen pizza.

In some cases I ate all three large dinners because…to grow big you eat big.

Some days the other half of the frozen pizza was eaten in addition.

I drank a gallon of milk, my whole milk, every day.

Those who “can’t get big” haven’t spent 3+ months taking in 7k+ calories daily.

Bowl Everything :

Similar to the first, as contrary to what that comedian said about kfc bowls, it is a much more efficient presentation of calories to have All OF IT stirred up in a bowl, your meats, your cheese, your carb(s) fried up, served in a giant bowl ready to be shoveled down.

Sit W/Juice & Milk + The Candy :

At the table you set down your whole milk, and your grape juice, apple juice, and/or apple cider.

You also have a bag of candy within arms reach, maybe twix or kit kats individually wrapped, maybe m&ms with bowl and spoon.

Milk is the palette cleanse.

You eat the bowl of nutrition til starting to slow down, drink juice or milk, make sure your pallette is cleansed with milk, eat a bit of candy which reignites your appetite, and get a whole lot (think 4000 calories minimum) down in one sitting.

Any Food Combinations You Enjoy :

GOMAD? Try 10-12 Gallons A Week :

Did that for about 6 months at 17.

Corn Dogs & Cream Soda :

One summer working as a mover I was losing weight far too quickly.

It was red alert, eat however you can to keep weight on.

I could barely eat while carrying boxes in the heat. I’d eat at most 5 of those quaker type rice bars, eating a grand total of maybe 500 calories, and drink a powerade – 700 calories tops until after the gym late night.

It was 8 corn dogs, I’ve found they can be put down in limitless amount, and I drank a liter of cream soda, plus ⅓-½ gallon of milk with it.

10,000 Calories In A Day?

Between ;
•having a gym membership
•not having a job

On one particularly hungry day I had three 3000+ calorie meals, coming very close to 10k calories on the day.

A Dozen Eggs :

A dozen fried eggs is rather filling, but is not more challenging to consume with ketchup, melted chocolate chips, mexican mix cheese, a can or two of tuna, and a sizeable bunch (up to 1lb) of ends, usually pepperoni, sold at discount from the deli mixed in.

At the start of my junior year of high school it was 6+ (not more than 9) eggs with a can of tuna, the next step was adding those deli ends, usually pepperoni, then stuff got added incrementally from there.

By winter senior year it was as written above.

The Grocery Store Cashier(s) :

At least one cashier is going to think of you as a regular (who buys so much f#@”*!& food).

This is a sign from the gods.

You are eating big!

A sign particularly humorous when she asks how many you are feeding and from behind your highlander beard comes the statement “me”.

Or when they rib you about missing a usual item, like grape juice, that one woman always teased me when I wasn’t purchasing grape juice.

My buddy was known as the eggs guy. 🙂

(And at work I have a reputation for bringing in chocolate milk – one bartender, she ribs me if I don’t have it, or have something different with me.)

Persistence & Tenacity