June 2022 Flow – Front Squats ; The Ultimate Ab Exercise :

It’s been a couple applications of front squats, and on the half the week away from the dead end job I’ve been pointedly eating more.

Stomach looks tighter, I could easily ride this to some visible abs.

more lifting, more calories = more muscular & leaner

The price of gatorade is stupid, I’ll switch back to a half gallon of milk or chocolate milk for work.

It’s more calories, fat, and protein that way.

I came across this marine corps article on fitness, everyone interviewed in it talking two a days.

“take what is useful, discard what is not”

It’d be worthwhile to go from 7x pushups, and 3-4 brief lifts, to include a bleacher run, some sprints…

Get back to my train all the time roots.

Working out really seems to me a modern day white collar thing.

I am doing well on yard weightlifting, and could easily direct it towards bodybuilding or strongman.

I occasionally carry a barbell, deadlift, straight bar, walk, funny you never hear of this – it’s all “farmer’s walk”, yet anything can be carried.

A long sand pit would be better training facilities than any platform…power snatch throws ala the old time egyptian weightlifting team, carries, in general lifting in the sun and sand.

You can walk with a bar overhead. I like doing so.

Training outdoors barefoot and shirtless?
I love it.

Yesterday I pressed 210lbs, a new lifetime 1 rep PR, leaving reps and weight in the tank.

Legs were sore, but you know my mantra ; “if it’s sore do more”, a couple of 10s front squatting the empty bar made me human again.

Rest weakens you. Active “recovery” progressed to just all the time training allows you the physicality of a caveman.

I like the barbell heave to shoulder.

Squats, both front and back, are a back builder.

It seems that regardless of what I do…with the yard barbell I’m always going to be back building.

No one takes a 300lb weight set to it’s limit, no one. Yard weightlifting provides a hell of a lot of potential for the everyman.

Fuck your climate controlled, level floored, platform, and bumper plate facilities – the world is a better place for those who lift outdoors.

Aside Alert! Aside Alert!
(Apparently I only do pullups consistently at a gym – funny to be developing a really strong, good looking back without a single chin or pullup.)

(Aside Ended. Aside Ended.)

Go outdoors, c&p, starting with heave to shoulder, getting nicer form til you’re power cleaning with crisp pretty form for the heavier presses – this is minimalist program nirvana, lifting heaven on earth for unperfect logistics, the barbell touched by god.


I’m genuinely curious to see how I’m going to look and how strong I’ll by the start of fall.

I am upping lift frequency, and always lifting barefoot, shirtless, in the sun.

The beard shall he proper length again.

Lots of yard barbell “light” is a lengthy period of base building.

It’s going well.

Persistence & Tenacity