June 2021 Flow – Lemonade As Your Preworkout :

I’m not big on caffeine.

Occasionally I’ll use some coffee before a late night gym session, after a long day at work, and where the next day is off.

While I don’t know the true feeling of being hungover never having drank, I experience something akin to that feeling the next morning after I’ve caffeined myself out of my mind before hitting gym volume.

Stimulants are fun, but the one time I drank a bang energy drink I thought it was a death sentence.

I don’t get the gallons of coffee drinkers, the multiple energy drink drinkers, or the fact that methheads live to tell the tale – not automatically od’ing, stroking out.

I’m naturally high energy, fairly easily get hot, easily stay warm in winter, and I find in the heat, what works for me as a pick me up at the end of the day is going to the grocery store and getting something or two cold to drink on the way to the gym.

Sometimes it’s flavored milk.

Sometimes it’s fruit juice.

Sometimes it’s lemonade.

One of the local grocery chains sells lemonade wicked cheap.

Cheap normally, on sale I paid 88ยข for a half gallon.

While camping I’ve went to this store, bought a can of chili, a half gallon of lemonade, and called it a better dinner for under $5 than mickie ds would’ve provided.

Lemonade works well for easy energy.

I picked that up from my grandpa, he’d squeeze lemon into water, pour in sugar, and stir it around.

It was a regular thing for him, and he like I sweat profusely – though I never discussed it with him, I’m sure he drank the sugar water that is lemonade regularly for a reason.

His body needed it.

It’s better than sports drinks, hits a different spot than milk, which I too consider a great hydration aid in the heat.
