I Want You To Train

I want you to train.

I want you…to train!

I’ve been texting a former coworker. He asked to train with me, a logistical difficulty, but as I figured it the next best thing would be to tell him to do calisthenics and then as he was being an excuse maker to do accountability checks. Wes Watson What’s Up! That channel clicked something in my mindset. I’ll train with him (my former coworker) eventually, but the best I can do for him is get him on his own training path and getting him naturally doing it habitually.

Do some reps daily bro!

No excuses!

Without trying to it seems I’ve gotten the same thing going with my uncle.

It may not seem like much, but it amps me up for him to excitedly text me that he just did 3×12 pushups.

It amped me up a few days back when my “Jacked Gingerâ„¢” friend texted me that he’d pulled nearly 600 for a set of 5. I could feel the emotion flowing off the type, shit flooded me with emotions.

(Aside : also a teen buddy years back texted the 600 pull shit to me back then as well. I’m the guy. You notify. When. You. PR.)

In all honesty first there was jealousy. He has a car, and a bigger deadlift. Fucker! Then I realized “good for him”. Congratulations bro, let’s hang out soon. It amps me up when others are amped about this shit.

Hating? On a buddy in particular? Useless. We each have our path. En momento barbell no es mio. I’m working labor, doing my PT.

A while back this college kid big into calisthenics wanted to train with me after he saw me do a handstand pushup. “Nice handstands” then the congratulatory “slap and tap” (what else is there to call slapping hands and a fist bump?). I spoke with him for half an hour, taught him to do one arm pushups. He was thankful, so was I, I want my knowledge to help others.

I am capable of being a damn good trainer.

If you listen to me.

If you put in honest effort.

I’d love to make some money related to training…

However I really want you to train.

It’s good for ya.

I know it’s saved me.
This site too.

I get amped up when it’s not only me amped but others too!

I want you to train! With passion!

You can hear the excitement in my voice when I spread knowledge in person. Passion.

Over 3.5 years of daily pushups.

I want you to be steadfast in your daily practice of PT. I want it to be ritual, both yours and mine.

I like the gym. I’ll likely never be able to have access to a great one consistently til the day I open mine’s doors.

Fuck cares! It don’t matter no one has let me in even at front desk.

I could be in sunny SoCal teaching my knowledge within the year.

Spreading knowledge. Spreading passion.

Hell, you could call it entirely selfish.

The more passion I feel around me, the more up I’m gonna be.

I can’t stand pansy ass cookie cutter rigid no personality conformist shit.
Train with love! (& Individuality)

I want you unbreakable in your PT habit and seriously playing like a motherfucker with the rest.

Serious Play

Not a joking matter, still fun as fuck.

I want you to train.

It’s good for you, and me.

Persistence & Tenacity