Gym Rules

You may hate hearing this, but….

Gym Rules

Train long enough and all the rules can go right out the window.


Macros can be thrown to hell.As you read this there is a mason tender out there eating a dozen McDonald’s dollar burgers and downing it with PBR while being far more jacked, far leaner,possessing  a higher work capacity, and a higher deadlift than you.

Right now a prisoner is eating his 3 squares from the chow hall, as much commissary Ramen, Tuna, and Honeybuns he can get his hands on, and to your surprise can do hundreds of pushups, pullups, and jog or burpee all day long. Somehow he’s more  jacked than you with an hour of yard time, no weights, and macros that scream morbidly obese diabetic.

Warm Ups and Overtraining

I’m sure you’ve seen people who forgo the warmups and just get to it.

Just 3 months after my first 315 bench I’ve hit it cold, no warmups, nothing other than taking my pre-workout shit( I don’t mean a preworkout, I literally mean taking a shit). On an earlier occasion I’ve done a no warmup total, all 3 lifts over 90% 1rm to prove a point to a buddy.

I know construction workers who after shift bodybuild for 2-3 hrs daily. Isn’t that 10-16 hours of activity daily? Too much, ha.

A buddy growing up often walk/ran/jogged 20 miles daily in High School in addition to pushups, crunches,lunges and track practice. He lived far,never learned to ride a bike, had no car in the household, and moved often enough that he never was assigned to a school bus. He had decent wiry strength, and could jog just about forever.

Momentum + Cheat Form

Often times for back you load up the hammer strength machine , dumbbells  or  meadows rows, add heave and get a WAY better pump, and DOMS than if you’d used perfect form,  slow and controlled like the “experts” say. You actually can feel having worked the muscle in addition to actually making gains.

Cheat curls are a demigod. They build stupid wrestler style strength. Think Hercules. (similar stimuli to heaving a sandbag to shoulder)

Shrugs strapped up with heave,body english, and momentum are Zeus,or  Odin. I’d put money on them being Odin as Norse legend is far more awesome than the Greek’s version.

On the flipside you can also get lots of out light curls and shrugs with perfect form, and lots of squeeze.

Anything Can Work!

Its the mentality behind it!


Be A Man. Do It Right, Or Quit

If you’re worrying about your macros, and/or your split maybe you should just quit already. Your head is obviously not in the right place.

Train already GOD DAMN IT,and simply eat like a man.

If your diet is Grandfather or mountain men approved your diet it probably on point.

If your Grandma, the USDA food pyramid, your average American, or a Vegan approves of  your diet it is probably shit.

Imagine Teddy Roosevelt’s ghost sitting across the table from you. Is he trying to join in on the feast(but unable, ghosts can’t eat) or is he pushing away from the table in disgust? Visualize his ghost, and it’s response. This will never fail you.

Yet remember: You can get away with dietary murder as a young beginner or as an intermediate/advanced who trains very hard.

The metabolism will adjust to your demands. The mind itself can play a strong role in how you uptake nutrition. Choose not to be a fat fuck or limp wrist weakling, and it’ll be amazing how you’ll still make gains as a man.

I was talking with a buddy from outside the gym, and we came to a valid point. Men don’t worry if they missed their 1g+/lb of protein, they eat and train. The gym obsession with macros is quite effeminate. Women worry + piss and moan about such things. Men eat. Real food (preferably), and don’t stress over such shit. Would a hillbilly or trucker laugh at your meal? Would Chuck Norris give his nod of approval?

Overtraining + Injury

Overtraining is like the tooth fairy. It may exist but its highly unlikely you’ll ever meet it. Quit dreaming that you suck that much, and if you do stop (sucking that much).

Assuming you don’t suck, and are not a total retard you wont visit “Snap City” .

Although I’ve found retards to often be stupid strong despite doing almost naught but sit around. They’ve never thought themselves into sucking physically. There’s a lesson here.

Just Train

Fuck Your Excuses, Fuck Your Worry.

Train Motherfucker!

Break the rules, choose to be a strong motherfucker, and don’t be a bitch.

The gains will come…naturally.
